Thursday, November 24, 2005

Boring Week

Well this has been a horrible week, I was ill at the start of it - I think it might have been food poisoning as it came on very suddenly. But being veggie, it's a little beyond me as to how I might have got that! I've been feeling pretty weak since, so we've not done an awful lot!

On Saturday morning Kory and I went to Trish's house. Gillian & Matthew and Laura, Kirsty & Morven were also there. They are all back at work so don't see them at baby group, so it was nice to get together. As usual the babies fought for the best toys and biscuits!

I went food shopping in the afternoon and James had Kory for some "Daddy Fun". The supermarket was chaotic, you'd think folk hadn't seen food in weeks!! On Sunday we went into town and then went to meet Laura from her work and she came back here for dinner. This was pretty lucky really, after dinner was when I got sick and was up all night. By the morning I was drained and exhausted, so I stayed in bed and Kory spent the day having fun with Auntie Laura and even went out a walk.

On Tuesday, I felt a little better, but just chilled around the house in the morning and saw Suzanne and Alison and the boys in the afternoon for a while. On Wednesday morning Kory and I went to see the new Harry Potter film with Sarah and Coinneach and his Nanna. It was a good film, although 2.5 hours long and right over babies lunchtimes. But Kory was easily fobbed off with a banana (yes a whole one) After the film, we went to meet James for lunch, this photo is Kory being stuffed up!

After lunch, Kory and I shopped in town for a while, then went to meet Laura and we went for a "coffee" Kory was being exceptionally cheeky as usual! Today we were meant to have music class in the morning, but I really couldn't be bothered getting up as Kory had been up in the night for ages and I was still trying to catch up on my weeks sleep loss. So we stayed in. We went to baby group as usual in the afternoon.

Today the Winter really kicked in and we've had loads of snow. YUCK! I like it for about 5 minutes then I hate it. What a long winter it's going to be! Kory was impressed though, was trying to catch it through the buggy raincover! That's it so far this week, nothing very exciting to report, just lots of photos!



Friday, November 18, 2005

Gran's Visit

I've not done a post for ages, so thought I would tell you about my week. First on Wednesday, I had a good day. When i woke up there was this weird white stuff on the ground outside. Daddy showed me it and said it is snow. Once he went off to work, Mummy got me all fed with warm Ready Brek and we went to Holly's house. It was very cold outside and that snow stuff was falling on me and I was opening my mouth to try to catch it!

I had lunch at Holly's house,
but Mummy had forgot to take my pudding so I got one of Holly's yoghurts. It gave me a sore tummy and I was sick all afternoon. Poor me - now I'm not allowed them any more as this is the 4th time this has happened with yoghurts. Me and Holly played on the floor for a while to let the Mummy's eat, arent' we good babies now??!! Not sure what Holly's Daddy will think of my hand being on Holly's leg, but she didn't seem to mind.

In the afternoon, Mummy took me to the clinic to get me weighed. I was 19lbs 8.5oz which is a pound more than I was a month ago. I'm getting big, I can tell as I get to wear new clothes every day so I must be in my 6-9 month stuff now! I went to Mummy's friend David's house for a while in the afternoon too. I was having my dinner when my Gran and Tom appeared through the door, how exciting!! They stayed for a while to play and then went to see my Auntie Laura's flat.

On Thursday, I got up nice and early and went to my music lesson which was good fun as usual. There was more snow on the ground, and I got a very cold nose, even although I had my snowsuit on! In the afternoon I went to baby group and played on the floor with everyone else's toys. Why would I play with my own, I can do that any time!

After Baby Group, I went with Mummy to feed Holly's doggy as they were away for the day. Rosie is a big huge doggy and she is very funny! Then I came home and Gran and Tom were here again to play with me. Gran gave me my dinner and then we all played and I had a bath. I went to bed and I heard them all get a chinese meal but I had to stay in my room becuase I'm too little for chinese food...meanies!!

Today I had to get up early again to go to my art class. I had great fun, we made a snow globe with sparkly bits in it. I wanted to eat the sparkles, so Mummy made the rest for me! Daddy was very impressed when he saw it! In the afternoon my Gran and Tom came round to see me again. Tom has a moustache which I love to play with, it's funny and it tickles.

When they went home, I was so exhausted, mainly from wanting to walk around all the time, that I went in my cot and slept, and slept and slept, for a whole 2 hours! I never sleep that long!! So this week has been good for me, I've been so busy! I even learnt to make Mummy and Daddy laugh, I say eeee-aye eeee-aye eeee-aye lots (that's from the song about farm animals that they sing to me) and I say dad dad dad dad dad lots too.

Love Kory.xx


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Week Long Update!

I think this is the longest I've not posted for since we started this blog! In our house it's more commonly known as "the stupid thing" as uploading the photos drives me potty, it takes forever to do, ARGH! So what have we been doing for the past week, I'll not bore you with big long explanations but will do a brief! Otherwise we'll be here all day!

On Tuesday last week, Kory and I went into town to meet up with Jackie and Laura that I used to work with. Jackie is about 34 weeks pregnant, and Laura is getting married in May, so my 2 favourite topics were there for chatting about!! Kory was a wee star just sitting playing in the high chair, I got to eat and talk! On Wednesday, I looked after Holly while Hannah went to the midwife, then they stayed for lunch. We then took the babies to the new library to get some books and DVD's.

On Thursday I had the dentist in the morning, and Hannah had same dentist in the afternoon, so she had Kory, then I had Holly. I had work done on 2 teeth and it was agony. We managed to go for lunch in between. This photo is of Kory in his bouncer. I turned round to wash some dishes and turned back and he'd done a Houdini and got out of his top. I left him to it and he somehow then managed to get his head out!

On Friday, my sister Laura moved to Aberdeen!! Woohoo!! A babysitter just down the road! Kory and I had been at Art Class in the morning, then Dad brought Laura in the afternoon and we played for a while then headed to Laura's flat. It's really nice and is on the same street as her new job, which she starts tomorrow, in a hotel reception.

Here is Kory with his Grandpa. They were playing a cool game "Beeping Nose" and Kory was really funny trying to get his hand to go back to his nose each time he stopped! Laura and Dad came round in the evening and we got Indian takeaway.

On Saturday morning we got up with Kory then headed round to Laura's flat (that sounds weird) Dad was there for a while and then headed off. We helped Laura unpack some stuff, then we all went out into town. I put my bank card in a machine and it bloomin sucked it in, ARGH! So I had to mess about trying to get that sorted. Then we took Laura to Asda to get all her home type things.

On Sunday, we went a drive out to Peterhead. Dad had given Kory some money for a new toy, and the one he chose was in Argos, but only the Peterhead one had it in stock, so we decided to get Laura and make a day out of it! Peterhead is a dump though and most shops were shut!

On Monday, I had the car so Kory and I went shopping in the morning to get Holly's birthday present. In the afternoon we went to our group then went to Asda to get some bits and bobs to eat. We picked James up from work and came home and set up Kory's new dinosaur!!

Today Kory an I had a lazy morning in our pyjama's, then Laura came over in the afternoon. We just pottered about the house and played with Kory's dinosaur. We then got all wrapped up (it's FREEZING) and went a walk. The wee guy got a really red nose and cheeks!

So there you have it, a whole week in a nutshell! I'm taking Kory to get weighed tomorrow, assuming he doesn't break the scales, I'll let you know how it goes!



Thursday, November 10, 2005

New website in the portfolio

Well it's probably taken around two/three years for us to get round to doing this but that's our company's new website finally up and running. You can see it here and in the portfolio section.



Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Blog!!

As the title suggests, we're wishing the blog a Happy Birthday!! It was one year ago today that the first article was posted (read here).

I can't believe all that's happened in the past year, busy time! But not going to do an awards ceremony speech, as you have read it all here!!

Here's to another year, and posts becoming less frequent!!

Julie, James & Kory.xx


Monday, November 07, 2005

Marmite Man

Yep, that's me. Daddy was giving me Marmite when Mummy was in bed on Saturday morning, and I LOVED it. Mummy shouted as she says it's too salty, but just look at me, do I look bothered? I think she was more bothered by the smell, she kept telling me I stink! How rude!!

I guess you'll all want to know what I have been up to. So, back to Thursday, in the morning I went to music class. It was brilliant this week, we sang lots of songs and played with musical instruments and we danced too. I like dancing. In the afternoon, we went to baby group, but there was only william and daniel and their mummies there, so it was a bit boring, so I cried lots. But Mummy did let me play on a rocking horse which was fun.

On Friday I had my art class in the morning, but they were making rockets, so I sat on the floor and watched all the big boys and girls and played with toys. It's good fun there and they have different toys. There are lots of blocks and plastic food.

In the afternoon, after my lunch, we went out with Holly and Hannah to get Holly's cats some new food and we went to Asda. I am a big boy now and got to go in the big boy trolley, sitting up so I can grab loads. Mummy says "it drives her mad" whatever that means, she says that a lot now, mainly when I whinge!! Maybe Holly knows, I think her Mummy says that too.

We had a pretty good weekend actually, but the weather was rubbish so we just played in the house in the daytime. This is me asleep in the big bed where I crashed out. I came out in a rash all over me, which didn't go away till today. Maybe that's why I am grumpy! After my dinner, I went on a big adventure, I didn't get my bath, but was put in my pyjamas in the living room and then my snowsuit. Then we went bedtime, how exciting!!

We went in the car and drove to Daddy's work and I went in my buggy. It was fun going down the busy street with all the lights and peaople. I did fall asleep after a while though, but was dreaming of big the morning Daddy told me I'd been at a fireworks display and that I'd slept through them having a chinese takeaway, how rude not sharing!! Look at me standing against the couch like a big boy, I love it! Much better than being put on my tummy and expected to "crawl" whatever that is!!

On Sunday, we didn't do much, went to a garden centre to get some Christmas (what on earth is this thing everyone talks about??!!) decorations, then for food shopping. I hate shopping. I insist on having something to play with, like paper or something in the basket, but still get easily bored. I don't get why we have to keep going there. Doesn't my food just appear in the freezer?

Today I am very sleepy, because I didn't get much sleep last night. I was not very happy and shouted about it all night. Daddy ended up going to sleep in the living room and I got to sleep in the big bed with Mummy, but I just couldn't sleep. I felt sorry for Mummy, she was so exhausted this morning, so Daddy got up with me and we played, which was good fun before he went to work.

I tried to be a good boy, and had 2 sleeps in my cot today. But by the afternoon, I was driving Mummy mad again, so she took me a big walk with James and his Mummy. It was really cold outside, and I got a red nose and cheeks!! We went back to James' house to play with his toys afterwards. Then I came home and read the Makro Mail on the couch! I looked really cool today in my outfit that Nana bought me ages ago!

Love Kory.xx


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halloween Fun

Remember a photo like this taken when Kory was less than a week old? We thought we'd take another to compare, so click here to go back! On Monday morning, Kory had his hearing test with the health visitor and some hearing lady! I wasn't sure he'd pass actually as he's so interested in what is being waggled in front of him! But he passed no trouble at all, first attempt on all sounds. Probably just so nosey!

After that, we went out for lunch with Trish and Aaron. Both the boys were really well behaved. They came back afterwards for a coffee (and before James comments, neither of us drink coffee, it's just not the same saying "came for a juice") They just played for a while and we even managed to have a chat, things are getting better!!

Once Trish and Aaron left, Kory managed to crash out on our bed. He never ever does this, so I had to take a photo!! It was probably a good thing, as we were going out at night so he really needed a sleep before that. I ended up having to wake him up to make sure he had dinner before we had to go out again!

So once we had Kory sorted, we headed to a Halloween party, with him dressed in his Pumpkin outfit again. It was one of the neighbours holding the party so all the kids round about were in. There were devils and witches galore! Here is Kory wearing James' Elvis glasses!

And here is the man himself as Elvis!

This is a neighbour Tracey and her wee girl Sophie, who has to be the most "Poker Faced" baby I ever met, she's so serious!! But a lovely wee thing, very petite.

Ok, so we're starting him young...getting him used to proper drink!! I was drinking this Bacardi Breezer and he kept grabbing it, so I was letting him suck the bottle, think it might have been nice and hard and cold on his gums. He just looks so proud in this photo to have some booze!!

And another Boozy Pumpkin!

We eventually took Kory home for bed about 7:30pm as he was shattered. And since then he's been a total grump all week! Yesterday morning I didn't really do a lot (I don't think!!) and in the afternoon, I went to a new baby group thing in the afternoon. After that, I walked up to the new library in Cove and got Kory his first library card!!

I had to rush home from the library, as I remembered I had a window man coming to finalise the plans for our new double glazing. I am so excited about getting it, how sad am I?! They are doing it on the 14th and 15th December, but the windows are rotton, so better then than after Xmas and into Feb!!

Last night I even had a bit of freedom, well kind of, I was Christmas shopping!! I went with Hannah and Angela to a Boots special evening. I managed to only get one thing for Kory too, how good am I!? Then we headed out for a pizza. It was lovely to get out without a buggy in the shops, could go on escalator and everything!! See what my life has become!! The photo is Kory in his new snowsuit, my baby Bunny is back!

Today we took James to work as I needed the car, then I went swimming with Kory and Hannah and Holly, then back to theirs house for lunch. I managed to slip when on my knees in the pool and drop Kory under the water. He was pretty unfazed by the whole event, but I was shaking like a leaf! Poor baby! Silly Mummy! In the afternoon we went to view a flat for Laura, which was lovely. This photo was Kory eating his absolute favourite dinner tonight, Spaghetti Bolognaise, I'm sure he'd eat it till he exploded! But what a mess!

Anyway, enough of me waffling, goodnight!