Sunday, July 30, 2006

Splashing is Fun

This weekend has been fun. Yesterday I "helped" Mummy pack all her books into big boxes and she told me that we are going to go and live in a new house, but I don't understand, I like my house, I know where everything is here!!

Today was a very hot day, and we played in the garden almost all day. I was allowed to get out my paddling pool turtle to cool down. I was even allowed to put my chute into it and slide down when I was all wet which was really good fun. The photo at the top is when I was in my pool and Daddy was throwing my big ball making it splash me! This photo is me at the top of my chute - so excited I could explode!!

Once I was finished in my pool, I got goose bumps all over my body, even on my fingers, so I got wrapped up in a big fluffy towel and got a big cuddle. We played in the garden for a while after that. Mummy looks all brown now and Daddy looks all red, but I still look all white!!



Friday, July 28, 2006

Started Packing Today...

...and thought we'd start with Kory!!

What a week! I've not been well, but it's looking like finally we're both feeling better, yay!! We haven't done much this week, needless to say really.

On Tuesday afternoon Laura and Murray came over for a while to keep us company and the boys played in the garden. On Wednesday, Matalan started their half price sale so we went to that. Kory got some pyjamas and I bought curtains for the new house.

Yesterday we went back to baby group which was nice and Kory enjoyed mixing with his little buddies again. Today we've not done a lot again, collected some boxes to be able to start packing and went into town in the afternoon. This photo was one day last week before Kory was ill, we went to the wee park down the road and he ran about for a while, then just sat chilling out on the bench!

Kory has become hilarious this week, he knows everything you say to him and has progressed the animal noises he does on demand to - snake, fish, lion, horse, cat, dog, sheep and cow. He knows when he's being cheeky and pulls a cheeky face, can see we'll have a monkey on our hands!



Thursday, July 27, 2006

All Clear

Just a quick update - after repeat blood tests on Monday and Wednesday, Kory has been given the all clear to meet his baby buddies again! YAY! His bloods still are not 100%, but they are happy they are increasing each time that they don't need to see him again.




Sunday, July 23, 2006

Kory's Hospital Stay

The title says it all really, the wee man has been in hospital. It started on Tuesday night last week when he had a very restless night, up about every 20 mins. On Wednesday I changed so many nappies I lost count. Wednesday night was a nightmare, he was screaming through the night and throwing himself around and didn't want anyone near him, got in a right mess. We just assumed he had a bug or something.

By Thursday morning he didn't want to do anything apart from sit in my knee, then started passing blood - so off to the doctors I took him and she referred us to the hospital. I picked James up on the way and headed to the new childrens hospital. The staff were lovely and we were told we had to stay over in the assessment unit until they figured out what was happening.

We had a dreadful night, they came in waking him up to take temperature and blood pressure every hour and he'd either get very upset or think it was time to play. On Friday, James came up in the morning and I headed home for a while to shower and chill out. We were moved to the medical ward and he was in isolation, making him very bored!

Again I stayed over night, and James came in the morning. I came home for a while and got called back being told Kory's blood results had come back clearer than before and he could go home. So I went back to the hospital, and we brought him home.

I've to go back with him tomorrow morning to get more blood taken and hopefully get the all clear to be allowed to mix with others again. We've had to keep him pretty much inside for the past 2 days, and although he's a bit better in himself, he's shattered and grumpy!

I'll do an update once we know more, and will get round to putting photos from last week on sometime too.



Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Chute and Snacks

Look what I got!!! Yesterday was quite a sunny day here, so after I had my sleep and we went to doctors, Mummy took me to get a chute and a rocking caterpillar from my birthday money that I still have so that I can play in the garden.

While I ate my dinner Mummy set it up then I got to go out in just my shorts! I can climb up the steps by myself and slide down by myself, but when I am at the top, I can't work out how to get my feet from behind me to the front of me, does anyone know how? This is my rocking caterpillar, I have to hold on to his horn things tight and with my feet I rock. I'm so clever I can even do it standing up!

This photo was taken of me yesterday morning having my snack before I went to bed. I like to chill out against the couch and watch tv with my snack now like a big boy. I'm sorry this was a short blog, but Mummy hasn't put today's photo's on the laptop yet so I can't show you them!



Monday, July 17, 2006

Horsey & Wedding

On Friday, Kory and I went to the gym (well he went to the creche!) then had a house viewing. In the afternoon, we met up with Hannah, Holly & Natalie at Brewsters - it saves either house getting wrecked with the kids playing. I got a nice cuddle with Natalie sleeping on me, forgot how nice that is! Kory and Holly had fun playing and going on the horsey carousel!

In the evening, we had a wedding reception. Dawn who I met at ante-natal group got married and all the girls and partners went to the evening reception. It was at the Queens Hotel in Aberdeen and was a really good evening. Jane (neighbour) came in to look after Kory but she didn't even see him!! And he must have known we were out galavanting, as he slept till 9am in the morning!! He never goes 14 hours at night!

On Saturday James had a hangover so we did pretty much nothing all day. I went out later in the day and left the boys playing. We grabbed a Burger King for dinner - naughty but nice!!

Here is the wee man doing "head, shoulders, knees and toes" wearing his tshirt from James' mum and dad to match the "when I grow up" series on the blog!! On Sunday we went out for lunch and that was our weekend!



Saturday, July 15, 2006

Vroom Vroom - Beep Beep

This was the other night the boys were messing about with a cardboard box being racing cars. As you can see, Kory was delighted by it!!


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Paddling Pool

Today was really warm again, so I got showered and dressed earlier than normal, and got out Kory's paddling pool and the hose so that he could have a splash about before his morning nap and before the sun got too hot. As you can see he had on his shorts (or are they longs??!!) and was delighted by the idea of the water going into the pool!

He didn't do what I thought he would (climb in and out) No, in true Kory style, he just sat chilling out!! I got him some of his bath toys and he did have a bit of a splash around. Can't wait till he starts his swimming lessons in a few weeks!

We had Toddler Group this afternoon and then he played in the garden again while I did dinner. He thought it was funny to put everything (hat, brush etc) in the paddling pool! And was running up and down the garden like a mad thing shouting "daddy" over and over.

This week has been a blur of gym visits and house viewings. It's going to a closing date next Wednesday!! Kory had a haircut at the weekend, as you may have noticed in James' post. Here he is being the man of the house and hosing the garden thinking he's the bees knees!!

And lastly a photo of Kory in a jumper that he got for his birthday that only just fits him now. Not sure if they read the blog, but thought Chris & Mandy might like to see him in it if they do!



Monday, July 10, 2006

Been a while

Blimey!! I can't remember the last time I wrote an entry but I thought it was time for Julie to have a break and for me to tell you all our weekend goings-on. So here goes!!!

Bit of another hectic weekend (it's becoming the norm around here). We didn't have any viewings of the house between Thursday and Sunday and it's amazing how quickly things slip. Before Friday we were running a pretty tight ship and nothing was out of place just in case we got a phone call. By Saturday the house needed gutting.

Kory was "trying" to help but for everything he put away (he's worked out putting washing in the basket, putting things in the bin and in the cupboard) he seems to take out two other items. So you find yourself constantly picking up items that weren't there 2 seconds ago!!

To add to that Kory has a new trick of going in the cupboard, grabbing pens and pencils out the stationery tray we have and running off with them. Saturday though was the first time he's done it and neither of us noticed. Until that is, we found him in the hall covered in black pen. Two days on and we've still not got it all off.

Julie went out on Saturday night at a hen party in Stonehaven. We've been invited to a couple of weddings next weekend but since we can only choose one she decided to go to the hen party of the other. Me on the other hand just enjoyed the silence in the house :)

She had a bit of a hang over the next morning but with the next viewing at 13:30 and the house still not looking 100% we just had to get on with it. The viewing seemed to go well though. We headed out after that to do a bit of shopping and look at buying a few "bits and bobs" we're going to need in the new house.

Today was a local holiday here so after the last couple of days we decided to just chill out around the house. Kory has been really playful, quite cute about it as well. He's started to finally understand "peek-a-boo" games and finds it funny to go in our cupboard, shut the door and then two seconds later push it open and run off laughing. Julie just managed to get this photo before he legged it on Sunday morning!

Anyway time for me to go to bed but in the meantime here's another cute picture of Kory which we took yesterday.



Wednesday, July 05, 2006

All Grown Up

Where on earth did my baby go? This week he seems to have really aged or something, becoming so cheeky, interactive and toddler like. It's scary having this little person who does things for me. I tell him I am going for a shower, and he's off to the cupboard to get my towel. I come out and he gets the hairdryer for me. Like a personal assistant who doesn't need told what to do!

He's also doing heaps of new things, playing Boo properly and shouting after he's peeked out from behind his hands, he spends hours with his rocket shape sorted putting the shapes in and out over and over. And his stacking cups are the best £2 I think I have ever spent!

This week has been a mixture of going to the gym and showing people round the house. On Tuesday we spent the day with Katy and Joe - going to KC Kangaroos (soft play area) in the afternoon with the boys to play. Today we went to see Laura (neighbour) & Murray in the morning, then to baby group then shopping in town in the afternoon.

Oh and last Sunday we took Kory to get his feet measured as it'd been 10 weeks since last time. They said his feet aren't even nearly at the edge of his shoes so he has ages yet in them, yay!!

So here are some photos of the big boy this past week. Enjoy! Julie.xx

James thinks Kory doesn't like pear, I beg to differ!

I think he just looks like a right wee boy in this t-shirt

Another grown up photo

"What you looking at?"

Kory doing his lion impression

Lazy like Sunday Morning!

So saving the best for last, my arty farty photo of Kory posing like a true pro!


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Park Life

Today Mummy and Daddy took me to a park for the afternoon. It was very good fun. I got to play with things called pine cones and to look at different leaves and loads of trees and flowers. For the first time, we didn't take my buggy, so I got to walk everywhere like a big grown up boy, even if they did make me wear a silly hat.

Something else worth mentioning today is that Mummy has legs. For all those who know us, you will know Mummy never shows her legs off apart from when we go swimming, but today she wore a skirt to the park.

After my nature lesson, and a wee walk round, we went to the pets corner bit in the park. When we first went in, Daddy stepped backwards and knocked me over which hurt, but the nice man went to get a bunny rabbit for me to touch and I got better fast!

We then went and saw loads of big fishes and I got to practise my fish impression! Behind there were some pink piggy's and I even heard them make a funny noise. After that we went back outside and I got to stroke a baby donkey, it was only a little bit bigger than me!!

I saw ducks, more donkey's, a llama, chipmunks, ferrets, chinchillas and some goats - I wasn't allowed to go near them because they are hungry and like to eat little boys...Oh and there was loads of bunnies and guinea pigs. They don't look like the other pigs though so I got a bit confused.

When we were finished we headed back to the car. I didn't want to go home, so once Mummy and Daddy went out the gate, I pushed it closed behind then, ha ha, it was very funny. Daddy called me He-Man!

Mummy likes this photo of me behind bars, and says if I keep being naughty this is where I'll end up, I hope she is only kidding!

This is me on Daddy's shoulders so that I can't run away again!

I really enjoyed my day, I hope we can go back soon.
