Started Packing Today...
...and thought we'd start with Kory!!
What a week! I've not been well, but it's looking like finally we're both feeling better, yay!! We haven't done much this week, needless to say really. On Tuesday afternoon Laura and Murray came over for a while to keep us company and the boys played in the garden. On Wednesday, Matalan started their half price sale so we went to that. Kory got some pyjamas and I bought curtains for the new house.
Yesterday we went back to baby group which was nice and Kory enjoyed mixing with his little buddies again. Today we've not done a lot again, collected some boxes to be able to start packing and went into town in the afternoon. This photo was one day last week before Kory was ill, we went to the wee park down the road and he ran about for a while, then just sat chilling out on the bench!
Kory has become hilarious this week, he knows everything you say to him and has progressed the animal noises he does on demand to - snake, fish, lion, horse, cat, dog, sheep and cow. He knows when he's being cheeky and pulls a cheeky face, can see we'll have a monkey on our hands!
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