Paddling Pool
Today was really warm again, so I got showered and dressed earlier than normal, and got out Kory's paddling pool and the hose so that he could have a splash about before his morning nap and before the sun got too hot. As you can see he had on his shorts (or are they longs??!!) and was delighted by the idea of the water going into the pool!
He didn't do what I thought he would (climb in and out) No, in true Kory style, he just sat chilling out!! I got him some of his bath toys and he did have a bit of a splash around. Can't wait till he starts his swimming lessons in a few weeks!
We had Toddler Group this afternoon and then he played in the garden again while I did dinner. He thought it was funny to put everything (hat, brush etc) in the paddling pool! And was running up and down the garden like a mad thing shouting "daddy" over and over.
This week has been a blur of gym visits and house viewings. It's going to a closing date next Wednesday!! Kory had a haircut at the weekend, as you may have noticed in James' post. Here he is being the man of the house and hosing the garden thinking he's the bees knees!!
And lastly a photo of Kory in a jumper that he got for his birthday that only just fits him now. Not sure if they read the blog, but thought Chris & Mandy might like to see him in it if they do!
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