Been a while
Blimey!! I can't remember the last time I wrote an entry but I thought it was time for Julie to have a break and for me to tell you all our weekend goings-on. So here goes!!!
Bit of another hectic weekend (it's becoming the norm around here). We didn't have any viewings of the house between Thursday and Sunday and it's amazing how quickly things slip. Before Friday we were running a pretty tight ship and nothing was out of place just in case we got a phone call. By Saturday the house needed gutting.
Kory was "trying" to help but for everything he put away (he's worked out putting washing in the basket, putting things in the bin and in the cupboard) he seems to take out two other items. So you find yourself constantly picking up items that weren't there 2 seconds ago!! To add to that Kory has a new trick of going in the cupboard, grabbing pens and pencils out the stationery tray we have and running off with them. Saturday though was the first time he's done it and neither of us noticed. Until that is, we found him in the hall covered in black pen. Two days on and we've still not got it all off.
Julie went out on Saturday night at a hen party in Stonehaven. We've been invited to a couple of weddings next weekend but since we can only choose one she decided to go to the hen party of the other. Me on the other hand just enjoyed the silence in the house :)
She had a bit of a hang over the next morning but with the next viewing at 13:30 and the house still not looking 100% we just had to get on with it. The viewing seemed to go well though. We headed out after that to do a bit of shopping and look at buying a few "bits and bobs" we're going to need in the new house.
Today was a local holiday here so after the last couple of days we decided to just chill out around the house. Kory has been really playful, quite cute about it as well. He's started to finally understand "peek-a-boo" games and finds it funny to go in our cupboard, shut the door and then two seconds later push it open and run off laughing. Julie just managed to get this photo before he legged it on Sunday morning!Anyway time for me to go to bed but in the meantime here's another cute picture of Kory which we took yesterday.
The baby, who we last saw in March at his birthday party, was obviously nothing like the little rascal we'll be having to get to know again in Cyprus next month!
Needless to say, we're both really looking forward to that.
Great pictures, as usual. Love to you all.
Grandad & Nanna
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