Monday, October 30, 2006

*NEW* Search from our blog

Those that are a regulars to our blog will hopefully have noticed a new little feature on the right. We now have our own official Google search facility!!

The big question - why?

Well, for every search you do using our Google we get a little bit of money :) So go on use this instead of going to Google when you want to search!



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bat Boy!

Today it was Kory's Halloween Party at his baby group. As you can see he was dressed as a bat. Part of me felt sorry for him (especially when putting on the black tights, he was NOT impressed) but he looked so cute that I couldn't help laughing at him!

There was lots of food at the party and in true Kory style, he sat and hoovered loads of it up! Mainly fruit, but this was we giving him a piece of cake.

When we got home Kory ran around for ages wearing his Bat Boy outfit while we sorted out the garden toys and bins as the wind/rain here is awful. So the toys now live in the garage for the winter. Here he is snuggling up to have a story with Daddy.

This week has been pretty busy, on Tuesday afternoon we nipped down to Brewsters and Kory had a play (I love how it's free!) I had work in the evening which was a barrel of fun as usual! Yesterday we went to playgroup in the morning and Kory was being incredibly clingy and moany, until the toast was produced! In the afternoon we went to Asda (with his "araff" and "zebwa" - giraffe and zebra) who he showed everyone and told them what they were! This morning we went to the gym/creche, and now I am shattered as I've done too much!

Ooh, and yesterday my new double buggy arrived. Kory promptly climbed in, pointed to the other side and asked me "baby?" - how on earth did he know that??!! It was like today when we put on his bat suit, it has a padded tummy and he was prodding it. I said "oooh what's that?" and he replied "baby" as quick as a flash. He must think everyone has babies in their tummies now!!



Monday, October 23, 2006

Suddenly Monday

Don't Monday's come round too fast? Since I started working on Sunday's, my weekends seem so fast. Only one day to chill out as well as rush around getting things sorted just isn't long enough! But hey, got to pay for the new TV somehow to amuse James and stop him dressing Kory's teddy in his clothes! Obviously we couldn't get a £200 one, noooo, it had to be an all singing all dancing one, MEN!

On Friday morning Kory and I went to visit Katy and Joe for a while. In the afternoon we went over to Hannah's house to demolish it too!! Natalie is getting big now, and poor Holly was in the wars. She got her fingers stuck in the door when Kory shut it and then took a nosedive over the side of the couch onto the wooden floor. Not her afternoon!

On Friday night I went to a Virgin Vie party at Dawn's house. Obviously I couldn't drink, but it was fun anyway to see all the girls without having smudged food on our trousers, having a bit of make up on and not checking over our shoulders every 2 minutes to see what the little ones were up to!! This photo was taken before I went out, so it's my 13 week bump.

On Saturday morning Kory was hilarious. James went to have a shave and like with everything else, he has to get involved. James let him take the foam off his hands and he was copying by rubbing it on his face thinking he was the bees knees doing so!! He was asking for more until he had it all over like Daddy.

Then he ran to the mirror to get a good look at himself and to pose. He was not impressed when I removed it before he had shaving foam all over the place and he went around stinking of it all day! He really is such a Daddy's boy just now. He's fine during the week when James goes to work, but at weekends if James even dares leave the room he cries or follows him!

On Sunday I was working and the boys did some shopping and some cooking and then came back to get me. We managed to borrow a portable TV from Maria and Davie too, which Kory is delighted about. It took him about 5 seconds to work out how to use it! I came home and ordered a new bed for the spare room and some of Kory's Christmas presents online. So this week I am waiting on 4 things being delivered (double buggy tomorrow, yay!)

Today we had Laura and Murray round in the morning. Murray gave Kory a Postman Pat bubble bath as his housewarming present. It's head wobbles off so you can pour it, and Kory is totally terrified by it. I can see a long night of traumatised Kory having nightmares about Postman Pat!!

This afternoon we went to Rambo's down the beach and met Maria, Davie & Daniel and Leanne, Sophie & Jessica. Kory was unusually hyper, running around and yelling "weeee" for about 45 minutes going up and down the chutes. Needless to say he had a ball! We picked up James, came home and had Fajitas for tea. Kory loved it, he smothered on the sauces himself and popped in the meat and veg. We helped him roll it up and he wolfed it silence which is unusual!

More from us soon


Friday, October 20, 2006

When I grow up I want to be a....

... Dancer


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Puddle Hopping!

I've not done a blog for ages and ages so I thought I would today. I've been a very busy boy recently. Now my Mummy goes to work I have loads of free time with Daddy to play. In my new house there are loads of places to hide and Daddy jumps out and scares me! Yesterday Mummy took me to playgroup in the morning and I wore my wellie boots.

When we came out, me and Daniel were allowed to go in the puddles and splash. It was really good fun, mostly I get told to get away from puddles! We jumped in some very deep ones that made our trousers all wet! The puddles were really muddy and it started raining which made it great fun! Our Mummies laughed lots at us.

The rest of the week hasn't been up to much really. On Monday we went out for lunch with Mummy's friend Jackie and baby Craig. I didn't have much sleep and was all grumpy. But I did get to walk around in town for an experiment. After that Mummy decided to buy a double buggy for when the new baby comes. I can say Baby you know....and I give it lots of kisses and cuddles in Mummy's tummy.

On Tuesday we stayed in the house all day. We played with toys sometimes, but Mummy wasn't feeling well (again - she's always ill now) so I was looking after her as Daddy was at work so I was the man of the house. By the way these 2 photos are of me posing in my 2 new winter jackets. It's really cold now where we live so I need ones with fluff on to keep me warm. I can say fluff too, and like picking it up off the carpets!

Now on Wednesday afternoon we had a disaster. Waittill I tell you what happened. Our tv stopped working. I was just watching 'Big Cook, Little Cook' and it went off. So I got the remote for Mummy to fix it and it wouldn't work. So I stamped my feet and shouted a lot, but it still didn't come back on. Now we have to buy a new one which will take ages and ages to get here. No more CBeebies, poor me!

Today I went to the creche in the morning for a while and then to see my friends in the afternoon to play at baby group. Mummy was a bit better and kept saying something about having an indian to eat! I think cowboys would taste better, I know my one does! These 2 photos were one night after my bath, all wrapped up like a baby and one with Daddy tickling me! I promise to write more blogs soon.



Friday, October 13, 2006

12 Weeks & Kory Photos

As promised, here is the first bump photo. I actually can't believe how much I'm showing already, can you imagine what I'll be like by the end this time? I'm feeling dreadful, worse than with Kory if that's possible, but I'll spare you the details. Oh and the scan photo will be on soon, honest!

The last few weeks have all kind of blended together, we've had my mum and Tom here 2 weekends ago. We didn't do an awful lot, but it was fun anyway. I've been working and the usual baby group and playgroup and going to Rambo's (soft play) with some of the others, mainly to get Kory out of the house, somehow it's easier when we're out and he's not wanting my full attention!

Last Thursday Dad came up to help us with some DIY jobs in the house that needed done. He brought Kory books too, one of which has been carried around everywhere since (the little one if you reading this!) So over the weekend the attic was floored and a light fitted up there and we got an outside light fitted (not without incident, dad fell off the ladder backwards - he's ok though. Not that he'd have told me if he wasn't!) so now I can take washing to tumble drier and not get lost!

Tricia came up on Saturday and both went back on Sunday as I was going to work. This week has been busy - on Monday Kory and I were heading to Rambo's and got stuck in traffic for ages so I took this photo! He had fun playing with Daniel, Sophie and Jessica and I had a nice rest!

On Tuesday morning I decided to go to the gym, having not been for 7 weeks. I spoke to midwife about it and apparently continuing might help my blood pressure and swelling later on, so I don't balloon like I did with Kory! I also felt bad for Kory as he likes going to play in the creche and I don't want him to get used to being with me all the time again as he got used to me leaving him. He will start a 2's group just after Christmas as well, so would like to keep it up. He was totally fine considering how long it had been!

In the afternoon, Suzanne and James came over for a coffee, then I worked at night. Wednesday quiet, we went to playgroup in the morning, but Kory was a right misery, just wanted his Daddy (he's obsessed!) We both went for a sleep when we got back which we've been doing a lot of recently as I am so tired. I seem to have completely wiped the afternoon from my mind, this pregnancy brain is shocking! We collected James from work then I went to work again.

Yesterday, I went to the gym again and then to our usual Thursday group in the afternoon. After we nipped down to Boots for some bits and pieces. Then we got James again from work. Today has been a horrific day - I've really not been well. I was meant to see Hannah this morning but cancelled so I could sleep when Kory did! Gone are the days of having a social life! By afternoon Kory was driving me mad in the house so I took him into town for an hour before we met James.

I think that's me pretty much up to date, here are a few photos that have never made it to the blog, from just after our holiday. This one is Kory eating his breakfast hoops and got one stuck to his nose - poor kid couldn't work out why I was laughing so much! The photo above is Kory being He-Man carrying his chute around the garden last month!

And lastly, this was a few weeks ago, Kory fell against a chair and managed to get a perfectly straight bruise from his mouth across his cheek that stayed for ages! Was very weird. He's a right wee chatterbox now and finally mastered "mummy" today instead of "mumma" - yay!!



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Website Award

I thought I'd better post this news before it becomes old news but one of the websites which I was involved in building while working at Imajica has won an award!!!

The site, Kepplestone has just won the Daily Mail UK Property Award for the "Best UK Developers Website". You can find the details of the awards here:

and a list of the nominees here:

With it coming in first as well it's now been put forward for the International award ceremonies which are being held in London on the 3rd of November. Even if it doesn't win though I'm chuffed to bits about this and its definatly one for the CV.

Anybody need a website done by an award-winning developer? Let me know ;)



Sunday, October 08, 2006

New Teddy!

Hello Everyone

I've decided to pop on a quick blog while I can. We've had no internet access for over a week (how rude of our neighbour to go away and turn off his broadband - and BT are STILL messing us about) hence no photos or posts.

The other reason, that some of you already know, is that I am pregnant again!!! We're having another baby, which is due around the 25th April 2007. We've known for a while, since before we moved house, but were waiting until the scan last week to announce it to the masses!!

So last Friday we had the scan and instead of seeing a clear baby like with Kory, instead it looked like a little teddy bear looking back at us. So now we have baby "Teddy". Kory is very funny, giving my tummy kisses and saying 'baby' - not that he has a clue really, but it's nice anyway!

I'm feeling pretty crap if the truth be told, most days I struggle to get through and have Kory and myself dressed and fed, and I'm working 2 evenings and a Sunday too. So photo's and blogs have slipped! But now you all know, I'm sure you understand!

I do have a few photos, of my mums visit, my dads visit, of Kory playing in the garden and things since Cyprus which I'll get on this week.

Not to mention the weekly bump photos resuming soon!

Bye for now