New Teddy!
Hello Everyone
I've decided to pop on a quick blog while I can. We've had no internet access for over a week (how rude of our neighbour to go away and turn off his broadband - and BT are STILL messing us about) hence no photos or posts.
The other reason, that some of you already know, is that I am pregnant again!!! We're having another baby, which is due around the 25th April 2007. We've known for a while, since before we moved house, but were waiting until the scan last week to announce it to the masses!!
So last Friday we had the scan and instead of seeing a clear baby like with Kory, instead it looked like a little teddy bear looking back at us. So now we have baby "Teddy". Kory is very funny, giving my tummy kisses and saying 'baby' - not that he has a clue really, but it's nice anyway!
I'm feeling pretty crap if the truth be told, most days I struggle to get through and have Kory and myself dressed and fed, and I'm working 2 evenings and a Sunday too. So photo's and blogs have slipped! But now you all know, I'm sure you understand!
I do have a few photos, of my mums visit, my dads visit, of Kory playing in the garden and things since Cyprus which I'll get on this week.
Not to mention the weekly bump photos resuming soon!
Bye for now
I knew you would give in to the temptation! Congratulations and look forward to the 'bump' pictures.
You should call the bump something like Porsche! When you called Kory Bunny you got what you asked for, lots of you see where i'm going with this???lol.
Congratulation guys!
All our love,
Auntie Kelly, Uncle Pete and Jassy.
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