Suddenly Monday
Don't Monday's come round too fast? Since I started working on Sunday's, my weekends seem so fast. Only one day to chill out as well as rush around getting things sorted just isn't long enough! But hey, got to pay for the new TV somehow to amuse James and stop him dressing Kory's teddy in his clothes! Obviously we couldn't get a £200 one, noooo, it had to be an all singing all dancing one, MEN!
On Friday morning Kory and I went to visit Katy and Joe for a while. In the afternoon we went over to Hannah's house to demolish it too!! Natalie is getting big now, and poor Holly was in the wars. She got her fingers stuck in the door when Kory shut it and then took a nosedive over the side of the couch onto the wooden floor. Not her afternoon!On Friday night I went to a Virgin Vie party at Dawn's house. Obviously I couldn't drink, but it was fun anyway to see all the girls without having smudged food on our trousers, having a bit of make up on and not checking over our shoulders every 2 minutes to see what the little ones were up to!! This photo was taken before I went out, so it's my 13 week bump.
On Saturday morning Kory was hilarious. James went to have a shave and like with everything else, he has to get involved. James let him take the foam off his hands and he was copying by rubbing it on his face thinking he was the bees knees doing so!! He was asking for more until he had it all over like Daddy.
Then he ran to the mirror to get a good look at himself and to pose. He was not impressed when I removed it before he had shaving foam all over the place and he went around stinking of it all day! He really is such a Daddy's boy just now. He's fine during the week when James goes to work, but at weekends if James even dares leave the room he cries or follows him!
On Sunday I was working and the boys did some shopping and some cooking and then came back to get me. We managed to borrow a portable TV from Maria and Davie too, which Kory is delighted about. It took him about 5 seconds to work out how to use it! I came home and ordered a new bed for the spare room and some of Kory's Christmas presents online. So this week I am waiting on 4 things being delivered (double buggy tomorrow, yay!)
Today we had Laura and Murray round in the morning. Murray gave Kory a Postman Pat bubble bath as his housewarming present. It's head wobbles off so you can pour it, and Kory is totally terrified by it. I can see a long night of traumatised Kory having nightmares about Postman Pat!!
This afternoon we went to Rambo's down the beach and met Maria, Davie & Daniel and Leanne, Sophie & Jessica. Kory was unusually hyper, running around and yelling "weeee" for about 45 minutes going up and down the chutes. Needless to say he had a ball! We picked up James, came home and had Fajitas for tea. Kory loved it, he smothered on the sauces himself and popped in the meat and veg. We helped him roll it up and he wolfed it silence which is unusual!
More from us soon
When James was about Kory's age if I was popping into town I had to try to sneak out without his seeing
me. If I was spotted he would burst out crying and toddle all the way
up the street after me. Then I would sit him on my shoulders and he would come along with me, happy. I was away quite a lot at the time and I put it down to that but perhaps, after all, it's in the blood. :-)
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