12 Weeks & Kory Photos
As promised, here is the first bump photo. I actually can't believe how much I'm showing already, can you imagine what I'll be like by the end this time? I'm feeling dreadful, worse than with Kory if that's possible, but I'll spare you the details. Oh and the scan photo will be on soon, honest!The last few weeks have all kind of blended together, we've had my mum and Tom here 2 weekends ago. We didn't do an awful lot, but it was fun anyway. I've been working and the usual baby group and playgroup and going to Rambo's (soft play) with some of the others, mainly to get Kory out of the house, somehow it's easier when we're out and he's not wanting my full attention!
Last Thursday Dad came up to help us with some DIY jobs in the house that needed done. He brought Kory books too, one of which has been carried around everywhere since (the little one if you reading this!) So over the weekend the attic was floored and a light fitted up there and we got an outside light fitted (not without incident, dad fell off the ladder backwards - he's ok though. Not that he'd have told me if he wasn't!) so now I can take washing to tumble drier and not get lost!
Tricia came up on Saturday and both went back on Sunday as I was going to work. This week has been busy - on Monday Kory and I were heading to Rambo's and got stuck in traffic for ages so I took this photo! He had fun playing with Daniel, Sophie and Jessica and I had a nice rest!
On Tuesday morning I decided to go to the gym, having not been for 7 weeks. I spoke to midwife about it and apparently continuing might help my blood pressure and swelling later on, so I don't balloon like I did with Kory! I also felt bad for Kory as he likes going to play in the creche and I don't want him to get used to being with me all the time again as he got used to me leaving him. He will start a 2's group just after Christmas as well, so would like to keep it up. He was totally fine considering how long it had been!
In the afternoon, Suzanne and James came over for a coffee, then I worked at night. Wednesday quiet, we went to playgroup in the morning, but Kory was a right misery, just wanted his Daddy (he's obsessed!) We both went for a sleep when we got back which we've been doing a lot of recently as I am so tired. I seem to have completely wiped the afternoon from my mind, this pregnancy brain is shocking! We collected James from work then I went to work again.
Yesterday, I went to the gym again and then to our usual Thursday group in the afternoon. After we nipped down to Boots for some bits and pieces. Then we got James again from work. Today has been a horrific day - I've really not been well. I was meant to see Hannah this morning but cancelled so I could sleep when Kory did! Gone are the days of having a social life! By afternoon Kory was driving me mad in the house so I took him into town for an hour before we met James.
I think that's me pretty much up to date, here are a few photos that have never made it to the blog, from just after our holiday. This one is Kory eating his breakfast hoops and got one stuck to his nose - poor kid couldn't work out why I was laughing so much! The photo above is Kory being He-Man carrying his chute around the garden last month!
And lastly, this was a few weeks ago, Kory fell against a chair and managed to get a perfectly straight bruise from his mouth across his cheek that stayed for ages! Was very weird. He's a right wee chatterbox now and finally mastered "mummy" today instead of "mumma" - yay!!
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