Fun Time
This week has been good fun. On Monday afternoon I went to Rambo's with Daniel, and our mummies and our babies. We played loads, chasing and tickling each other. We were hiding under the castle too. We were the only ones there so it was brilliant.Yesterday was a very very hot day. I had school in the morning and Mummy took Krystal to get weighed again (only 4oz this week, she's not as much of a piggy as I was!) In the afternoon we went to Jessica and Sophie's house to play. I got a Pepperami as a snack, it was really yummy but Mummy screwed her face up lots.
When we got home, I got to have my dinner in the garden as it was so hot, which was a nice change from sitting at the table in the dining room. Krystal sat in her chair too with her sunhat on...well for about 5 minutes before she cried. She cries loads, and my new favourite thing to say is "noisy baby"
Today I went to school again and then Mummy took me to see some animals at the pet shop, and to get some new welly boots. They are great, they have a tractor and truck on them and are all fluffy inside. Tonight Daddy got out the camera nd I got to watch a video of when Mummy and Daddy were in Florida before I was born, it was very good.
My baby sister had her first injections today, she was a big brave girl and didn't cry much. She got a plaster on each leg, and tonight I shared some of my medicine with her to make her feel a bit better.
I'm off to bed now, night night. Love Kory.xxxx
Hey Julie, thanks for your comment on Maia's blog - only just saw it as she's been sick ALL week and Sam (DH) was travelling...
Your blog is lovely and the pix are gorgeous - Kory is such a man now, and Krystal looks adorable. Hope all is well - I'll get back on iVillage - just handed in a 20-oage supplement I was doing as a freelance job, hence my absence.
Bella xxx
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