Mums Visit
On Friday morning we went round to visit Hannah, Holly & Natalie. Their new conservatory/room is lovely, saves cluttering the house with toys! But contrary to my dream, the news team were not there to open it!! In the afternoon we went to the bus station to collect mum and her massive suitcase then came home and got stuck into the contents of it!
She had brought loads of presents from her friends for Krystal and also Kory. He was chuffed to bits that gran was here to see him and he had her dancing and everything!! On Saturday, the weather was awful, it rained ALL day, so we couldn't get out anywhere. So mum and I took the kids to Asda and James did some DIY (yes I know, scary!) then got a nice chinese for dinner. In the evening James and I went to the pub for an hour and mum stayed at home. It was lovely to get out as it's not something we can do very often. I was scared Krystal would wake wanting fed, so we didn't stay long, but enough to get 2 drinks down my neck!
On Sunday we took Mum back to the bus station and then went ot Duthie Park. Kory shocked us by going on the big chutes humself - he's normally such a pansy with things like this we didn't think he would! He had a great time running about the place. We also went to B&Q and Kory saw a mouse running around!
Last night was a horrible night with Krystal, so today James worked from home. In the afternoon I took the kids out to Rambo's with Maria, Daniel and baby Josh. Kory had fun, Krystal screamed just for a change and I got home stressed. What a day!
Well done on the pub visit..!!! I've not had one of them and its been 6 months! LOL. I have to take them with me, noththat they mind but a drink alone would be nice. AW Green eyed monster arises :)
Hope the nights improve soon.
OH and Well done Big K on the BIG Slide!!!
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