Saturday, June 23, 2007

Numberjacks Are On Their Way!!

All of you out there who know us know we're huge Numberjacks fans in this house...well Kory is and James and I kind of just do as we're told!

For those who don't know what Numberjacks are (where have you been for the past 8 months or so!??) it's a show on CBeebies with 3D characters that are numbers, so Six is a number 6 and so on. They solve problems which are number related with the help of real life children agents. Look here and here for more info!

Kory has been addicted since the beginning and his counting, number recognition and even colours have come on so much from watching it. Until recently it was very helpfully on at 5:15pm which occupied him while I sorted dinner! The first DVD came out in April, which timed nicely with Krystal arriving, so he got it as a present. The new DVD is out in about 3 weeks (not that I'm counting!) He is also really good at the games on the CBeebies site matching numbers up.

So anyway, the point of this post...last night we got a comment on the blog from a Chris Ellis(on bottom of this post about Kory watching Numberjacks) so I had a look on the site and discovered he's the writer of the Numberjacks!! If Kory were old enough to know, I'm sure he'd be impressed, but I daren't tell him at the moment the Numberjacks are not real and they have a writer!!

So I emailed Chris and thanked him for his comment and a few emails followed, including the picture of Zero for Kory that I've put on here as it's his favourite number! So one day Kory will read this back and be impressed.


P.S. I have a soft spot for number 2, but it's not on often!


Jilly Baby said...

NO WAY THAT'S SOOOOOO COOL. Hamish Loves the Numberjacks just as much and constantly talks about it as though it's real life. As I don't watch it, he feels the need to re-tell each episode to me just to keep me informed.

"Mummy, the numbertaker has taken all the numbers but it's ok because 2 went out but 2 was too small so 5 went out with her so everything is ok now".

"Yes dear..."