Friday, March 23, 2007

Horrible Week

This week has been horrible as the title suggests. On Tuesday afternoon I was on the floor playing with Kory (ok I know I shouldn't be down there now, but I feel sorry for him!) I went to stand up and somehow the rug slipped from under my feet and both Kory and I went flying. I narrowly missed both him and the nest of tables, but managed to land on my bump.

The baby didn't move and I was a bit concerned, despite poking and prodding her! I went for a bath at night and she did move a little, but nowhere near as much as is normal. By the morning she still hadn't moved much, and I was getting concerned, but already had a midwife appointment at lunchtime. I went and she decided I should go to hospital for a check as well as tests for O.C (some sort of liver thing in pregnancy) as I've been itching so much.

So up to the hospital we went, and got connected to the machine. It showed baby was ok, but I had to stay on for 4-5 hours. I was so uncomfortable, and started having contractions too. Typical! They took the blood for the O.C. test and left me to it. I saw a few doctors, who were happy with baby movements and that I was ok. So about 11:30pm I got to go home as long as I called next morning for results and called if anything worsened.

Results so far are clear, I've to go back on Wednesday next week for a review with consultant (I think) and decisions will be taken from there based on results we're waiting on. Not sure what'll happen. I'm still having tightenings fairly regularly, but they aren't getting worse (or easing off for that matter, wish they'd go one way or another!)

The photos have all been this week, Kory stops everything he's doing when Numberjacks is on, him posing in his new t-shirt my Dad and Tricia sent for him - he's wearing with jeans because the trousers he got are too big, even though I swapped them for 12-18 month ones!! The last photo was yesterday when he insisted we go to Asda, he got my bag, then got out the money to pay the lady, so there were coins and all my cards everywhere. But he had fun!

Will give any updates when there is any!


Ted Crelly said...

Good to see that Kry has such good taste! Do leave a comment at

Chris Ellis and the Numberjacks. caks