Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Busy Busy Busy
As you know we've been up to our eyes this past week with house stuff. We got the one we wanted and spent the whole weekend cleaning our house ready to go on the market. So I'll try and keep this short and just post some of the best photos and tell you what they are of!
This is Kory with Craig last Tuesday when he and Jackie came over for lunch.
On Wednesday when Kory got up out his bed, his hair was all over the place, looked like Einstein!! Was very cute though!
This is Kory showing he knows where his ears are, even though I was reading a "pooh" book to him and asking him where Eeyore was!!
This was me messing about with the Camera on Wednesday seeing it took black and white photos and he came running towards me and I love the result! Look out for more arty farty photos soon! After this we went to meet Katy and went to Brewsters, then I went to meet Shelley for a meeting at Cafe Society (watch this space for details!) And this was the day we bought the new house too.
On Thursday we had the solicitor in the morning, then baby group in the afternoon and then went back to view the house again, and it's still as nice! On Friday night we went to Brewsters for our free meal after complaining, we got a £45 voucher! Kory had some spaghetti bolognaise which he loved as you can see!
For pudding he had fruit pieces and a small pot of chocolate dip which he got absolutely everywhere! His eyebrows went ginger!
On Saturday night James and I went out to a wedding reception, Laura came over to look after Kory. It was Claire that James used to work with, but the photos we got are too dark to put on here.
And lastly, Laura and I when we got home, mainly posted as she hates it!! The weekend was spent cleaning and yesterday the house went on the market. I went to the gym then down to Katy's for a while. As usual Kory loves her furry cushions, he's very into textures!
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Our House
Well here is our house online now too!
Our House!
Any takers?
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
We Got the House!!
I am so excited, we got the house we were after!!
Have a look here at it.
James - 23/06/06 - It looks like the second link has finally gone so I've taken things into my own hands and put a copy of the schedule here
Larger images here (sorry I couldn't find the garden or front of the house):
Dining Room
Master Bedroom
Bedroom 2 - Kory's room-to-be
Bedroom 3 - Possible spare room
Upper Hall
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Lazy me!
Yeah yeah, so no blogs in ages from me! I'm busy don't you know?! I'll just rewind briefly back to the Saturday we went ot Jenni's, it was a long drive down, we only stopped once in Stirling for lunch and then went on. On the Saturday evening Jenni and Dave had a friend over and we had a BBQ. He brought his dog with him which Kory was delighted with.
On the Sunday we visited the farm, which I see Kory has filled you in on already! In the evening we went out for a meal to Brewsters. Considering how good the ones in Aberdeen are, this one was appalling, food, service, everything. Not to mention how hot it was that day and there was no air conditioning on, the food took forever and Kory was starving and when it finally arrived it was not what it said on the menu and totally overcooked. Swift complaints were put on the website and today I actually got a letter saying it was being investigated!
Kory had fun playing with the inflatable (England) ball and goalpost outside, only he didn't get he was meant to put the ball in the net and kept picking it up and running off with it. This is yet another 3-6 month item of clothing, his shirt! He wore it in Cyprus last year!!
On the Monday, Jenni and Dave were working so we went a drive to a little place called Richmond. We had found out that Mackenzie Thorpe has a gallery there and as I like his work, we went for a look. Well we only had to buy something too didn't we? So thanks to my gran and grandpa, I am now the proud owner of a proper bit of art!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Down on the Farm
After the wee preview, I'm back to tell you about my day at the farm. It was a very hot day and I had on my shorts, but then I had to put on my wellies...whats that all about? Even I know wellies and shorts don't go well together!
We drove to Uncle Dave's old house (his mummy and daddy still live there and he works there every single day, but now he lives with Auntie Jenni) where I met his doggy's. I like doggy's lots. I even got to touch one called Spot. It felt all funny when he licked my hands though.
Then we went to see some cows, they were very very big, but I wasn't scared. I went right up to the fence and chatted to one friendly one called Pearl. They had some food and brought their babies over to see me too. There were 3 mummy cows and 4 baby cows, so there were twins! Uncle Dave waffled on about how all cows are called different things depending how many babies they have, but I got confused, so stopped listening.
Once I got bored, we went to find a tractor (we saw another doggy on the way) so that I could have a ride in it. Dave drove it and Daddy got in with me. We went round the outside of the barn and I loved it. But you saw the photo's of that already!
We then went to see some sheep, but they didn't want to come and see us, how boring, so we went to see more cows instead. These ones didn't have names, just numbers on their ears. One was very friendly and kept trying to lick me, eww!
So that was my visit to the farm, I loved it and can't wait till I get to visit again!
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Shrimp, Exercise and Haircut!
I've always known Kory was a little small, but this takes the biscuit! Have a look at this, then this and then this and hopefully you notice that he is wearing the same jacket. These photos were taken in Setpember and December. And the one on the left yesterday!! I bought the jacket last summer in Mothercare's closing down sale for £1 never thinking for one second he'd wear it this year too, it's 3-6 months!!
We went to Reja's house on Monday for a "coffee" before our group, then to Asda. On Tuesday, we had a nice lazy day at the house. Katy came to visit in the morning. James came home for lunch which Kory was delighted about, all I've heard is "Daddy Daddy Daddy" this week.
I decided that Kory's hair was too long, so I cut it :o) I took James' clippers and gave him a #8 all over. It looks much tidier, not tucked behind his ears like a girl! I think I did not bad for a 1st attempt, even if I do say so myself. We played in the garden after that, with mud, yuck!
On Wednesday I did something that will shock most of you! I went to the gym!!! I had my induction with a bloke called Chris who is actually a bit of alright! This photo is of Kory and Daniel playing in the house at baby group on Thursday. Daniel was giving Kory kisses, awww!!
Today was James' last day at work. I went to the gym, then took Kory swimming and then Hannah, Holly & Natalie came over in the afternoon. I forgot to take photos! So you can have a photo of cheeky chops in his bath last night instead. He's so funny now, he cracks me up!
And one last photo, this is his "I'm angelic....honest!" face!
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Thursday, June 08, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Not Been Well
I've had a yucky cold all this week so we have hardly gone out. But I've been playing in the garden which is my new favourite place. We went to our group on Monday but on Tuesday my nose was so snotty we didn't even leave the house, how boring!
On Wednesday we had Erin and her mummy over for a coffee then we got to go for a really big walk. I saw lots of grass, trees and even cows. I am so good now when mummy asks me to point at things, I know what they all are.On Thursday we had baby group and on Friday I didn't get to go swimming because I still wasn't very well. Instead, Mummy took me round to James' house to play. It was very hot and I had this horrible stuff on my arms that made me look all white, and I had to have my silly hat on, I can't even pull it off!
James has this cool quad bike - there is a button on the bars that if you press it you zoom across the garden, I had great fun playing on it. I want one!!
That night Mummy went out - I heard her sneaking in at 4am and she was so sleepy in the morning when I got up! So as a treat today I slept until 8am and then had a 3 hour nap in the afternoon!! I've spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend, Daddy has turfed the back and now it's all soft for me to play on. I got new wellies so that I don't wreck my nice shoes in the garden and yesterday Mummy and I planted some sunflower seeds so that I can watch them grow into big flowers. I like flowers lots.
I really don't like mess which mummy and daddy think is funny. I always put my clothes in the basket, my nappy in the outside bin and my shoes on the shoe rack. But Mummy takes her shoes off and just leaves them, so I have to put them away! Oh and I don't like my hands being dirty, I rub them to get the mud off. Everyone laughs at me though, I don't understand why, I'm just being tidy!
Love Kory.xx
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Sunday, June 04, 2006
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