Busy Busy Busy
As you know we've been up to our eyes this past week with house stuff. We got the one we wanted and spent the whole weekend cleaning our house ready to go on the market. So I'll try and keep this short and just post some of the best photos and tell you what they are of!
This is Kory with Craig last Tuesday when he and Jackie came over for lunch.
On Wednesday when Kory got up out his bed, his hair was all over the place, looked like Einstein!! Was very cute though!
This is Kory showing he knows where his ears are, even though I was reading a "pooh" book to him and asking him where Eeyore was!!
This was me messing about with the Camera on Wednesday seeing it took black and white photos and he came running towards me and I love the result! Look out for more arty farty photos soon! After this we went to meet Katy and went to Brewsters, then I went to meet Shelley for a meeting at Cafe Society (watch this space for details!) And this was the day we bought the new house too.
On Thursday we had the solicitor in the morning, then baby group in the afternoon and then went back to view the house again, and it's still as nice! On Friday night we went to Brewsters for our free meal after complaining, we got a £45 voucher! Kory had some spaghetti bolognaise which he loved as you can see!
For pudding he had fruit pieces and a small pot of chocolate dip which he got absolutely everywhere! His eyebrows went ginger!
On Saturday night James and I went out to a wedding reception, Laura came over to look after Kory. It was Claire that James used to work with, but the photos we got are too dark to put on here.
And lastly, Laura and I when we got home, mainly posted as she hates it!! The weekend was spent cleaning and yesterday the house went on the market. I went to the gym then down to Katy's for a while. As usual Kory loves her furry cushions, he's very into textures!
Good luck both with the house, it looks very nice (but where's the pool?!)
Julie, Pity. That picture would have made a brilliant "When I grow up I want to be................a Scientist (or such).
Some lovely smiley pics of Kory there, bless him.
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