Not Been Well
I've had a yucky cold all this week so we have hardly gone out. But I've been playing in the garden which is my new favourite place. We went to our group on Monday but on Tuesday my nose was so snotty we didn't even leave the house, how boring!
On Wednesday we had Erin and her mummy over for a coffee then we got to go for a really big walk. I saw lots of grass, trees and even cows. I am so good now when mummy asks me to point at things, I know what they all are.On Thursday we had baby group and on Friday I didn't get to go swimming because I still wasn't very well. Instead, Mummy took me round to James' house to play. It was very hot and I had this horrible stuff on my arms that made me look all white, and I had to have my silly hat on, I can't even pull it off!
James has this cool quad bike - there is a button on the bars that if you press it you zoom across the garden, I had great fun playing on it. I want one!!
That night Mummy went out - I heard her sneaking in at 4am and she was so sleepy in the morning when I got up! So as a treat today I slept until 8am and then had a 3 hour nap in the afternoon!! I've spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend, Daddy has turfed the back and now it's all soft for me to play on. I got new wellies so that I don't wreck my nice shoes in the garden and yesterday Mummy and I planted some sunflower seeds so that I can watch them grow into big flowers. I like flowers lots.
I really don't like mess which mummy and daddy think is funny. I always put my clothes in the basket, my nappy in the outside bin and my shoes on the shoe rack. But Mummy takes her shoes off and just leaves them, so I have to put them away! Oh and I don't like my hands being dirty, I rub them to get the mud off. Everyone laughs at me though, I don't understand why, I'm just being tidy!
Love Kory.xx
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