Shrimp, Exercise and Haircut!
I've always known Kory was a little small, but this takes the biscuit! Have a look at this, then this and then this and hopefully you notice that he is wearing the same jacket. These photos were taken in Setpember and December. And the one on the left yesterday!! I bought the jacket last summer in Mothercare's closing down sale for £1 never thinking for one second he'd wear it this year too, it's 3-6 months!!
We went to Reja's house on Monday for a "coffee" before our group, then to Asda. On Tuesday, we had a nice lazy day at the house. Katy came to visit in the morning. James came home for lunch which Kory was delighted about, all I've heard is "Daddy Daddy Daddy" this week.
I decided that Kory's hair was too long, so I cut it :o) I took James' clippers and gave him a #8 all over. It looks much tidier, not tucked behind his ears like a girl! I think I did not bad for a 1st attempt, even if I do say so myself. We played in the garden after that, with mud, yuck!
On Wednesday I did something that will shock most of you! I went to the gym!!! I had my induction with a bloke called Chris who is actually a bit of alright! This photo is of Kory and Daniel playing in the house at baby group on Thursday. Daniel was giving Kory kisses, awww!!
Today was James' last day at work. I went to the gym, then took Kory swimming and then Hannah, Holly & Natalie came over in the afternoon. I forgot to take photos! So you can have a photo of cheeky chops in his bath last night instead. He's so funny now, he cracks me up!
And one last photo, this is his "I'm angelic....honest!" face!
Kory is looking so grown up now! A real little boy! Hes gorgeous!
The posts are always about Kory (which is great, don't get me wrong) but I just wanted to say "good for you" for joining the gym. It's so important to have some 'me' time, even if it is a little torturous!!!
Well done Julie :)
btw - spelling mistake in last comment, you know how anal I am about that!
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