Lazy me!
Yeah yeah, so no blogs in ages from me! I'm busy don't you know?! I'll just rewind briefly back to the Saturday we went ot Jenni's, it was a long drive down, we only stopped once in Stirling for lunch and then went on. On the Saturday evening Jenni and Dave had a friend over and we had a BBQ. He brought his dog with him which Kory was delighted with.
On the Sunday we visited the farm, which I see Kory has filled you in on already! In the evening we went out for a meal to Brewsters. Considering how good the ones in Aberdeen are, this one was appalling, food, service, everything. Not to mention how hot it was that day and there was no air conditioning on, the food took forever and Kory was starving and when it finally arrived it was not what it said on the menu and totally overcooked. Swift complaints were put on the website and today I actually got a letter saying it was being investigated!
Kory had fun playing with the inflatable (England) ball and goalpost outside, only he didn't get he was meant to put the ball in the net and kept picking it up and running off with it. This is yet another 3-6 month item of clothing, his shirt! He wore it in Cyprus last year!!
On the Monday, Jenni and Dave were working so we went a drive to a little place called Richmond. We had found out that Mackenzie Thorpe has a gallery there and as I like his work, we went for a look. Well we only had to buy something too didn't we? So thanks to my gran and grandpa, I am now the proud owner of a proper bit of art!

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