29 Week Moans
For those of you who followed my pregnancy with Kory (or those of you bored enough to look back through the archives here!) you will know being pregnant and me don't exactly go hand in hand!! So instead of brushing over it all like I seem to have done this pregnancy, I'm going to moan for a change.
This week has gone from feeling rubbish and taking a few medications, to feeling dreadful and taking so much I will rattle soon! My throat is STILL sore so I'm taking spray for that. It sets off my heartburn though, so I guzzle gaviscon for that. I am barely sleeping - I seem to have turned into a total insomniac, despite being exhausted. I just lie there awake, for hours which is so frustrating.
The sciatica is getting worse and worse, today after work I could barely move, so I'm hobbling everywhere. My wisdom tooth is still coming in and is painful. I've started to swell up already, my wedding and engagement rings are off and my feet/ankles are ballooning too.
On Thursday evening my doctor called me and said my blood results from the midwife last week have come back and my iron levels are "dangerously low" - so I have been prescribed iron tablets at a pretty high dose to sort that out. but we all know what effect iron tablets have don't we??!! So before any of that happens, my personal pharmacist (thanks Jenni!) advised I take some syrup. So hopefully this improves how exhausted and drained I feel and I can cope a bit better.
I'm having problems breathing too, taking my inhaler loads when I don't normally need to, but they seem to think the iron will help that too. It's ridiculous getting to the top of the stairs and feeling like I've run a marathon. So on top of my normal tummy tablets I take daily, I have quite a collection on my bedside table now!
So it's been an eventful week in the life of me. I'm going to call my work's HR department tomorrow and tell them I can't work whole Sunday's from now on, I just physically cannot stand for that long. I'll either not do them at all or cut back the hours. The weight I have at the front just isn't working standing all day and putting so much strain on my legs. This last photo is of me in my new Next Maternity Pyjamas. I've posted this as a few of my pregnant friends have asked if they are nice! Woah is me eh?!
Plenty of prune juice and spinach love and you'll be fine!
Oh my Julie, you're mahoosive you poor thing, and still with 10 wks to go! When you said you were the size of a house, you really did mean it. Lets hope the rest of the pg passes quickly!
Suzie ~xx~
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