Friday, February 23, 2007


Today was a good day. James took the morning off work and I got to have a long lie!! They went out to Asda and Argos and I even got to shower in peace too, a real luxury. He was working from home this afternoon, so Kory and I baked some cakes.

I'd been looking through some old emails this week and found a sponge cake recipe from this time last year when I thought about making Kory's birthday cake (thanks Hannah!) so decided to get the stuff in to make some. Kory loved helping as usual, but was a bit distraught with the mess created, he's a bit freaky with things like that.

I got a bit out of sync with bump photos, so although I've only just posted last weeks, here is this weeks too. Don't think there is anything new to report, apart from this sore throat is juts not going away, even with the antibiotics, argh!



Joooles, Andrew, Emily and Daisy x said...

I'm so pleased you've got a little neak freak too!! I get quite worried sometimes over Emilys little obsession. Sometimes it even goes as far as if a cupboard door doesn't quite shut properly, she just cannot walk away until it is!

Anonymous said...

Last summer on holiday Kory finished his breakfast and then got out of his high chair. He found a Cheerio (fruit loop) which had fallen into the corner of the seat. He picked it out and I thought "He's gonna pop that into his mouth." What he actually did was to walk to the far side of the kitchen, open the cupboard door under the sink and put the offending item in the waste bin! I was gobsmacked! I mean - this was at 18 months old!

Jilly Baby said...

We call Hamish OCD Boy because of his weird obsessions. Maybe it's a society thing? We're all clean freaks!!!