Dads Visit & 40th Party
Last Thursday my Dad came up. Kory wasn't shy and was yapping away within minutes of him arriving. As everyone has been ill since Christmas and we'd not seen Dad, he came heavily loaded with presents! Kory even said Santa which we thought he'd forgotten.
He was delighted with his presents - a Tigger phone (thanks Dad, it's *really* annoying!) jigsaws, a wooden bead on wire thing I knew he'd love and a wooden train set. After opening it all, obviously the toys had to be played with! By the end of that, Kory had a new best friend - Bampa (that's Grandpa to you and I!)
On Friday morning we just messed about in the house then after Kory's sleep we headed into town for lunch. The wee guy ate like his life depended on it, then we went wondering around the shops. Dad had decided that the train set needed a motorised train, so he bought Kory one of those...what do I know, I'm only a girl! But Kory was delighted with it once it was charged up and going round the track.
I also went to Debenhams, and finally they had my handbag in stock, yippee!! So I am now the proud owner of a Radley handbag. They call it a bodybag, but that sounds a bit grim! Thanks everyone who gave me Debenhams vouchers for my birthday, I'm a very happy camper with my new purchase!
In the evening, we got an indian take away. Kory wasn't as impressed as he was the last time we had one, but did eat some lamb rogan josh, some vegetable dhansak, a pile of rice and some nan bread before deciding he didn't like it!!On Saturday once Dad headed down the road, we did the baby's border and then got ready to go out at night. A bit of an unusual event for us all to go out! It was our old neighbour, Will's 40th Birthday Party at the Thistle Hotel along the road from here. I had been a bit worried that Kory would be tired, and had made his nap as late as possible, but I needn't have worried!
He was the life and soul of the party, on the dancefloor entertaining everyone with his moves!! There were 2 young girls and a bloke on the dancefloor. He looked like he was on to a winner having 2 girls dancing with him. Cue Kory going and dancing near them, the girls noticing him and holding his hands to dance and them focusing on him completely. The poor bloke watched, then went to sit down. Imagine being blown out for a 22 month old?!
We eventually left about 10:30pm and came home. Kory wanted to dance more when we came home - to YMCA! This is his new "thing" asking for the iPod and YCA as he says. Oh how do I regret showing him that dance last week!? I foolishly thought Kory might be exhausted and sleep later in the morning, but no, at 7am he was as bright as a button.
While I went to work on Sunday, James and Kory washed the windows, doors and walls. They were all shiny and I can actually see out my living room now! Today was a normal day, Rambo's in the afternoon and then this evening I went food shopping.
And lastly the weekly bump. Not a lot to report, she's kicking like mad and stopping me sleeping. I'm averaging about 6 hours a night, not helped by an annoying cough and sore throat. However I have remembered the one good thing about being pregnant - being able to eat a WHOLE bag of lime Doritos and not feel guilty, or be told I'm a pig. It wasn't me who wanted them...obviously!!
Julie you seem to have a slightly crazed, manic look in your eyes in your bump photo this week! Is it all getting a bit much?!
I must say Kory looks absolutely adorablr in his snowsuit covered in bubbles!
Love Jenni and a hyperactive Pudd'n'
oops, it seems my spelling went a bit wrong in that last comment - must learn to re-read before posting!
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