Bump, Handbag & Teddies!
Where to start!?? Well, with the bump I think. After my moans last week, I thought it wouldn't/couldn't get worse. But shock horror it has! I was at docs on Monday about my sore throat only to be told I have pharyngitis. So I have antibiotics for that. When I was there she took my blood pressure and it was up. So I had to make an emergency appointment with midwife for today.
So I had that and she is concerned about a few things and wants to see me weekly from now on. On feeling for the baby, she discovered she is breech. Although there is plenty of time to turn yet, I've to prepare myself for another section if she doesn't. Wonderful huh?! So all of my illnesses and prescribed drug intake is wearing me down.
On Saturday night I had a night out with a couple of pregnant friends. Nothing exciting as I'm sure you can imagine, but an indian meal out which was nice. I'd wakened on Saturday feeling rubbish as it was, and thought about pulling out, but know how long it'll be before I get freedom again! The bump photos above were me before I went out. And this is a delighted Kory the morning after on finding my handbag with lipstick inside in the morning!
Sunday was a work day for me, but the boys had some fun playing with teddies as you can see. Kory has a recent fascination for the "big bed" always asking to get in it. Is this really the same baby who never slept, he's a right lazy bones now!
Our Monday was a right off because of the timing of my doctors appointment, so we never made it to Rambos. So it was a pretty rubbish day! Tuesday was on the quiet side too. I felt like I was dying in the morning and couldn't catch my breath at all. So we had a pyjamas morning then after we both slept, we made pancakes then went to get James from his work and I went to mine. Today, we went to playgroup in the morning as normal for a Wednesday, then after Kory's nap I totally confused the poor wee guy and got him into the car without giving him lunch! We went to collect James who was armed with lunch and came home. He was working from home as he had a doctors appointment (they won't do anything about his annoying cough, argh!) and I had the midwife. I really like this photo of Kory sitting on my bump, but boy did it hurt!
And lastly, yet another video - one James took of Kory and the teddies. Enjoy!
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