Saturday, March 31, 2007

Week 36 & Video Backlog

What a boring week since Monday! I really don't have much to report. Tuesday was a quiet day, we just stayed in the house. My friend Dave came round for a wee while in the afternoon and played with Play Doh with Kory and I (bet he was glad he came!!) Then Kory managed to fall over and hurt his leg. He wouldn't put any weight on it and spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch, then mastered bum shuffling to get to his toys.

On Wednesday morning though I had a consultant appointment and the lady (not my consultant) was a complete dragon. She was horrible and rude and I came out feeling confused and disappointed. I spoke to my midwife on the phone in the afternoon who cleared a few things up for me and feel a bit better. She also advised lots of chocolate which can't be bad!

By the time we got home from hospital, James had to work and Kory needed to sleep, so the rest of the day was a bit of a write off. On Thursday we had a normal day, a chilled out morning in the house and Baby Group in the aftenoon. Friday was extremely boring, I wasn't feeling well at all, couldn't get shoes on as my feet are so swollen and couldn't drive as I felt dizzy.

Kory woke up in a stinky mood and it didn't improve all day. Even playing in the garden and drawing turned into a stressful event as the crayons kept blowing in the wind out of line and he was in tears every time they did. I gave up and put them away! Weird child. James had a night out last night, so I had the mad hour to do at dinner and bedtime. It was mad as well, was so pleased to get him into his bed!

This morning Kory had a birthday party - his wee friends Liam and Daniel had a joint party at Brewsters. It was good fun, if a bit chaotic. This afternoon, we braved going into town. With my new found freedom of flip flop wearing (thank goodness it was a nice day!) it seemed like a good idea. Suffering now though!

And mainly for the grandparents who can't get enough videos - here are some I've been meaning to put on for ages and not got round to it. All taken over the past 2-3 weeks, I thought I might as well put them all on together!

The Music Man

Chases with James

Cupboard Peek-a-Boo is a favourite!

At the park copying Coral walking backwards

Old McDonald birthday Card



Monday, March 26, 2007

Kory's 2nd Birthday!!

Today was the wee guy's 2nd birthday. Where has the past 2 years gone??!! Anyway, when we woke up this morning, he came into our bed as usual and was delighted to be handed presents and cards. He opened them (slowly) and wanted to put on all the badges!

He got lots of lovely presents, books, clothes, jigsaws, super scribbler, alphabet game and money. His main present from us was a Tefal Kitchen which he got downstairs. He was chuffed to bits with it, and has played with it for most of the day!

After breakfast, Sarah and Coinneach came with his present - fruit and veg for his kitchen. They stayed to play for a while. Then I did some boring housey things, while Kory played some more and bugged James who was working from home in the spare room.

After Kory's nap, we went to Brewsters for his birthday. He had a nice time (as always when food is involved!) eating and playing. It was a nice family birthday which is how we wanted it, I had no energy for a party!

So now it seems all the birthday's are over for a few weeks...the pressure is on to fill the gap!



Sunday, March 25, 2007

Baby Stuff

So what's been happening since Friday in the baby bubble?! I'm still having "contractions" or whatever they are regularly which is driving me mad. I'm still itching and still feeling sick. But that didn't stop me from living yesterday. We went for dinner at our friends' - Sarah and Graeme - house. We has indian food which was yummy, though I am suffering for it today, not sure Teddy likes it much!

We thought Kory might have a long lie this morning as he was up late last night, but no! James and Kory have spent a lot of the day in the garden as it's been so nice, and I've spent most of it in the baby's room finally sorting it out. I washed the clothes ages ago but they have been sitting in the cot waiting for a new chest of drawers in Kory's room to allow us to move the other one into baby's room (thanks mum and Tom!)

Now it's tidy and resembling a proper bedroom. I even did things like filled up the nappy stacker with teeny tiny nappies - they seem so small compared to Kory's!! Just need things on the walls (I'm hoping for same as what Kory has on his) and the door turned around to finish it.

I didn't plan to have a theme, I just knew I didn't want it all pink. When I fell in love with the border, it happened to have butterflies on it. Then when I hunted for lilac sleeping bags - everything is pink pink pink - I found these ones, which also happen to have butterflies on them. And so it came about that there is a butterfly theme! Thanks to Kelly & Pete for the bags also, I love them!



My House

It's my birthday tomorrow and I am going to be 2. I am going to have cake and cards and some presents too. Isn't that good, I'm so excited. This morning when we got up, me and Daddy got dressed and we went into my garden and Daddy started to build a house for me.

It's my birthday present from Gran and Tom. I was a good boy helping Daddy, putting in the screws and I was very excited and couldn't wait for it to be finished. It was a nice day today, which is why we built it, so that I can play in it and Daddy has to work tomorrow.

Once it was all built, I took my chair and a wee table out with my snack and ate it in my new house. I love it lots and can't wait till it's sunny days all the time so that I can play in it all the time, without my wellies and jacket on!!



Friday, March 23, 2007

Horrible Week

This week has been horrible as the title suggests. On Tuesday afternoon I was on the floor playing with Kory (ok I know I shouldn't be down there now, but I feel sorry for him!) I went to stand up and somehow the rug slipped from under my feet and both Kory and I went flying. I narrowly missed both him and the nest of tables, but managed to land on my bump.

The baby didn't move and I was a bit concerned, despite poking and prodding her! I went for a bath at night and she did move a little, but nowhere near as much as is normal. By the morning she still hadn't moved much, and I was getting concerned, but already had a midwife appointment at lunchtime. I went and she decided I should go to hospital for a check as well as tests for O.C (some sort of liver thing in pregnancy) as I've been itching so much.

So up to the hospital we went, and got connected to the machine. It showed baby was ok, but I had to stay on for 4-5 hours. I was so uncomfortable, and started having contractions too. Typical! They took the blood for the O.C. test and left me to it. I saw a few doctors, who were happy with baby movements and that I was ok. So about 11:30pm I got to go home as long as I called next morning for results and called if anything worsened.

Results so far are clear, I've to go back on Wednesday next week for a review with consultant (I think) and decisions will be taken from there based on results we're waiting on. Not sure what'll happen. I'm still having tightenings fairly regularly, but they aren't getting worse (or easing off for that matter, wish they'd go one way or another!)

The photos have all been this week, Kory stops everything he's doing when Numberjacks is on, him posing in his new t-shirt my Dad and Tricia sent for him - he's wearing with jeans because the trousers he got are too big, even though I swapped them for 12-18 month ones!! The last photo was yesterday when he insisted we go to Asda, he got my bag, then got out the money to pay the lady, so there were coins and all my cards everywhere. But he had fun!

Will give any updates when there is any!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Slippers, Shoes & Assessment

I've got new slippers, do you like them?? I got them on my feet yesterday morning and they are big monsters' feet. They are all fluffy like mummy's slippers and I love wearing them. I just hope they dont make my feet all stinky like my Tigger ones did. That was yucky.

I sat on the couch chilling out with them on, it was so comfy. Yesterday afternoon we decided not to go to Rambo's, but went to get me some new shoes instead. We also went to a shop so that I chould choose a toy for my baby sister. I chose her a teddy. Mummy wanted to get a different one , but I didn't like it, and insisted we got the one I chose.

Today my health visitor Caroline came round to see me and see if I am clever. I got to look at her books, play with her jigsaws and even draw her a picture. Then when she was talking to Mummy I was playing with her pencils and they were laughing at me. I was only counting them and saying what colours they are, but Mummy said I was showing off!



Sunday, March 18, 2007

Tiara, Haircut & Coral's Visit

It was really nice not to have to go to work this week, I feel slightly refreshed for it. Though only slightly! On Thursday we went to baby group as usual and Kory took a shine to this tiara. What you can't see are the pink fluffy shoes he had on!

Once we left, we went to do food shopping. I wasn't feeling great but we needed food in for the weekend. For a change Kory behaved most of the way round! He's much more impressed with the end result though - helping daddy bring it in from the car! On Friday we had a lazy morning, then went to get Kory's hair cut in the afternoon. He was really good while the lady was doing it. This photo was from Stonehaven earlier in the week, very arty farty?!

After dinner, James went to the airport to pick up his mum (Coral). On Saturday morning, Kory was delighted that Nana was there to see him. Here he is trying to get to grips with a camera that he can't "see" the photo after it's taken!

Unfortunately I had a really rough day, having barely slept the night before as I couldn't breath. So in the afternoon, James took Coral and Kory to Duthie park.

Here are a few more photos -

On the chute

On the swings

With the fish in the Winter Gardens

With Coral looking in the pond

Today, James cooked a casserole lunch for himself, Kory and Coral. Once that had been scoffed up, it was time to head back to the airport. Thinking Kory wouldn't be hungry tonight, I dind't give him much dinner. WRONG! He ate loads of pasta, brocolli and then a slice of melon, half and apple then tucked into James' pizza!

Lastly 2 photos, here is this weeks' bump photo, being week 34....

....and this is for my mum, I was telling her about this outfit that I bought for Teddy on the phone and said I'd pop a photo on!



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Midwife Update

I had my appointment this morning at 9:15am...nightmare getting there for that time! She thought I was looking better than last week, until I reminded her she normally sees me late in the afternoon when I'm exhausted from the day, not when I'm just getting going!

She had a squeeze and baby is still breech. I was a bit disappointed by this because I was very ill yesterday (sick, running to loo etc) and had lots and lots of baby movements and tightenings. I had convinced myself that it was baby moving round making me feel so ill. Sadly I was wrong. She still doesn't think she will turn and made sure I had labour ward number incase anything happens and I need to go for an emergency cesaerean.

I'm measuring very big (as I did with Kory) she checked 3 times to make sure she wasn't imagining it! It explains why I feel like an elephant...I am! Had an uneventful week, on Monday afternoon Kory and I went to Stonehaven and walked along the beach (ok so about 100m one way then back again!) then went for cake. Yesterday I was ill and today it's been playgroup and library for some new books.

The photos were all taken today when Kory woke up from his nap. He was in a really giggly silly mood and wanted me to take his photo. He thought it was hilarious to be wrapped in his quilt like a sausage and to bounce on his bed.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Kory - Aberdeen!


Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Busy Week

Hi Everyone

I've been too busy this week to come on the internet so haven't had time to update you on what I've been doing. On Monday morning Mummy changed all our routine, and we went round to my friend James' house in the morning to play.

My other friend William was there too. He has a baby sister and she is called Ellie. She doesn't do much, but I stroked her and was very gentle. Mummy said that was good because I am going to have a baby sister soon too. Because we were there till almost lunchtime, I didn't go to Rambo's in the afternoon with my other friends, but that's ok. Me and Mummy just chilled out in the house. On Tuesday morning, we went shopping to Asda. We got loads and loads of yummy food, and I was allowed to eat an apple in the trolley while we were going round. Yummy!

Mummy went to work on Tueseday night, so me and Daddy had some boys time. On Wedensday morning we went to my playgroup, I've finally learnt to climb the ladder on to the frame to get down the chute. It was good fun.

In the afternoon, we went to see the midwife, she kept squishing Mummy's tummy. She said she used to squish me like that too when I was in Mummy's tummy! At night Mummy went to work - it was her last night there and she got lots of presents. One of them was chocolates, I like chocolate!

On Thursday morning we went to Matalan and bought some baby clothes. I had fun hiding in the clothes rails from Mummy and admiring myself in the mirror! In the afternoon, we went to Boots to get MORE things for the baby. This is me trying to give Mummy a kiss!

On Friday it was my Daddy's birthday, he's 29 now you know. I can't wait till I'm 29, I want to be just like Daddy. We had a quiet morning and then we went to a place called hospital. Mummy had to see another doctor who squished the baby again. When we came home, Daddy helped me make some rice crispie cakes with chocolate and raisins and everything. It was great fun and they taste very nice.

On Saturday we didn't do very much, Mummy had a haircut and now it's lots shorter than it was. At night time, Mummy and Daddy went out for Indian food to celebrate Daddy's birthday and because they have been together 10 years now. Katy came to my house to look after me, but I was sleeping so I didn't even see her. They had a good night, but were very full up and they smell a bit funny today!! When Mummy was getting ready to go out, she was putting make up on. I was copying her, do you think I look nice?



Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week 33 - Bump Update

I had an appointment on Wednesday with my midwife who was concerned about the baby's position, the fact I'm seeing stars but my blood pressure is not high and the fact I am having pain around my previous scar. So she decided to bring forward my appointment with the consultant at the hospital to let him assess me. So on Friday we trooped up to the hospital on James' birthday for that!

The appointment went well (ish) - the consultant was lovely and so was the supporting midwife. They felt baby, she's still breech - the consultant said that turning the baby only has a 40% success rate in a normal circumstances, so after a previous section, it's reduced as they can't be so rough as it could cause long term damage to scar tissue. He didn't say they wouldn't do it, but that he wasn't keen for something with risks and with a low succes rate.

He was happy that there is still plenty time for her to turn, and wants to see me back in 4 weeks time. But in the meantime my section for if she doesn't turn is booked for the 18th April, when I'll be 39 weeks. It's really not what I want, but I think I need to have a date to get my head round it, instead of being in limbo for another 4 weeks.

In the meantime, Teddy might turn, in which case I can back out of it and get the "normal" delivery I so desperately want. We spoke about some other things that would happen prior to and on the day of the section if it happens and I do feel a little better that it won't be so traumatic as last time and I won't be so out of it on drugs and no sleep! They also said all being well I could get out in 3 days.

In all I'm feeling pretty rubbish, both with this and feeling sick/ill all the time. It's becoming harder and harder to look after Kory and do things with him, simple things like playing with toys are almost impossible, so we read lots of books which he loves doing.



Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I have a new favourite shop - it's Homebase. It used to be Asda, but now I can say Homebase, I like it better. We got to go there on Saturday when Uncle Neil was visiting us. Here is a photo he took of me on a couch. I got to touch fluffy cushions and everything.

This morning when Mummy said we could go shopping, I thought she meant we could go to Homebase, but she meant Asda. So I let her know I wasn't happy about that. But she still didn't let me go to Homebase, even though they are right next to each other and I could see it.

So Asda it was...but I did get to eat an apple the whole way round, I even ate the stones in the middle and then handed Mummy the wooden bit at the top as I couldn't chew it! This photo is of me on Friday night in Burger King. I just got it this morning from Neil.

Love Kory
