Week 36 & Video Backlog
What a boring week since Monday! I really don't have much to report. Tuesday was a quiet day, we just stayed in the house. My friend Dave came round for a wee while in the afternoon and played with Play Doh with Kory and I (bet he was glad he came!!) Then Kory managed to fall over and hurt his leg. He wouldn't put any weight on it and spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch, then mastered bum shuffling to get to his toys.
On Wednesday morning though I had a consultant appointment and the lady (not my consultant) was a complete dragon. She was horrible and rude and I came out feeling confused and disappointed. I spoke to my midwife on the phone in the afternoon who cleared a few things up for me and feel a bit better. She also advised lots of chocolate which can't be bad!
By the time we got home from hospital, James had to work and Kory needed to sleep, so the rest of the day was a bit of a write off. On Thursday we had a normal day, a chilled out morning in the house and Baby Group in the aftenoon. Friday was extremely boring, I wasn't feeling well at all, couldn't get shoes on as my feet are so swollen and couldn't drive as I felt dizzy.
Kory woke up in a stinky mood and it didn't improve all day. Even playing in the garden and drawing turned into a stressful event as the crayons kept blowing in the wind out of line and he was in tears every time they did. I gave up and put them away! Weird child. James had a night out last night, so I had the mad hour to do at dinner and bedtime. It was mad as well, was so pleased to get him into his bed!
This morning Kory had a birthday party - his wee friends Liam and Daniel had a joint party at Brewsters. It was good fun, if a bit chaotic. This afternoon, we braved going into town. With my new found freedom of flip flop wearing (thank goodness it was a nice day!) it seemed like a good idea. Suffering now though!
And mainly for the grandparents who can't get enough videos - here are some I've been meaning to put on for ages and not got round to it. All taken over the past 2-3 weeks, I thought I might as well put them all on together!
The Music Man
Chases with James
Cupboard Peek-a-Boo is a favourite!
At the park copying Coral walking backwards
Old McDonald birthday Card
Is that it then Julie? No more vids?! :O(
Where did you get that guitar Kory was playing? Would love to get Michael one for his birthday
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