I have a new favourite shop - it's Homebase. It used to be Asda, but now I can say Homebase, I like it better. We got to go there on Saturday when Uncle Neil was visiting us. Here is a photo he took of me on a couch. I got to touch fluffy cushions and everything.
This morning when Mummy said we could go shopping, I thought she meant we could go to Homebase, but she meant Asda. So I let her know I wasn't happy about that. But she still didn't let me go to Homebase, even though they are right next to each other and I could see it. So Asda it was...but I did get to eat an apple the whole way round, I even ate the stones in the middle and then handed Mummy the wooden bit at the top as I couldn't chew it! This photo is of me on Friday night in Burger King. I just got it this morning from Neil.
Love Kory
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