My Busy Week
Hi Everyone
I've been too busy this week to come on the internet so haven't had time to update you on what I've been doing. On Monday morning Mummy changed all our routine, and we went round to my friend James' house in the morning to play. My other friend William was there too. He has a baby sister and she is called Ellie. She doesn't do much, but I stroked her and was very gentle. Mummy said that was good because I am going to have a baby sister soon too. Because we were there till almost lunchtime, I didn't go to Rambo's in the afternoon with my other friends, but that's ok. Me and Mummy just chilled out in the house. On Tuesday morning, we went shopping to Asda. We got loads and loads of yummy food, and I was allowed to eat an apple in the trolley while we were going round. Yummy!
Mummy went to work on Tueseday night, so me and Daddy had some boys time. On Wedensday morning we went to my playgroup, I've finally learnt to climb the ladder on to the frame to get down the chute. It was good fun.
In the afternoon, we went to see the midwife, she kept squishing Mummy's tummy. She said she used to squish me like that too when I was in Mummy's tummy! At night Mummy went to work - it was her last night there and she got lots of presents. One of them was chocolates, I like chocolate!
On Thursday morning we went to Matalan and bought some baby clothes. I had fun hiding in the clothes rails from Mummy and admiring myself in the mirror! In the afternoon, we went to Boots to get MORE things for the baby. This is me trying to give Mummy a kiss!
On Friday it was my Daddy's birthday, he's 29 now you know. I can't wait till I'm 29, I want to be just like Daddy. We had a quiet morning and then we went to a place called hospital. Mummy had to see another doctor who squished the baby again. When we came home, Daddy helped me make some rice crispie cakes with chocolate and raisins and everything. It was great fun and they taste very nice.
On Saturday we didn't do very much, Mummy had a haircut and now it's lots shorter than it was. At night time, Mummy and Daddy went out for Indian food to celebrate Daddy's birthday and because they have been together 10 years now. Katy came to my house to look after me, but I was sleeping so I didn't even see her. They had a good night, but were very full up and they smell a bit funny today!! When Mummy was getting ready to go out, she was putting make up on. I was copying her, do you think I look nice?
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