Midwife Update
I had my appointment this morning at 9:15am...nightmare getting there for that time! She thought I was looking better than last week, until I reminded her she normally sees me late in the afternoon when I'm exhausted from the day, not when I'm just getting going!
She had a squeeze and baby is still breech. I was a bit disappointed by this because I was very ill yesterday (sick, running to loo etc) and had lots and lots of baby movements and tightenings. I had convinced myself that it was baby moving round making me feel so ill. Sadly I was wrong. She still doesn't think she will turn and made sure I had labour ward number incase anything happens and I need to go for an emergency cesaerean.
I'm measuring very big (as I did with Kory) she checked 3 times to make sure she wasn't imagining it! It explains why I feel like an elephant...I am! Had an uneventful week, on Monday afternoon Kory and I went to Stonehaven and walked along the beach (ok so about 100m one way then back again!) then went for cake. Yesterday I was ill and today it's been playgroup and library for some new books.
The photos were all taken today when Kory woke up from his nap. He was in a really giggly silly mood and wanted me to take his photo. He thought it was hilarious to be wrapped in his quilt like a sausage and to bounce on his bed.
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