Mummy: This video is pretty big so might take a wee while!
I know, I know - there is nothing I can do about it, and every time it's sunny, I have to see it...but I'm scared of my shadow. I don't like it, it moves and tries to steal my spoon when I'm just nicely eating my lunch in the garden. But I do like spiders, it was such fun having Incy Wincy crawling on me. It was a really nice day on Sunday so I spent most of it in the garden with Daddy while Mummy didn't feel well. Daddy tried to cut the grass too, but the lawn mower was broken, so we have some short grass and some long grass.

Yesterday morning Mummy felt a bit better so we went to the post office and to Asda to get some food in to last until the big shopping is delivered on Thursday. In the afternoon, my friends came over to play. Daniel got here first and then Jessica and Sophie came not long after. We had good fun playing in the garden and eating yummy pancakes.

Today was a grumpy day. My teeth hurt and I don't want to eat. Every time we go to the table to eat, I cry. I was ok for the rest of the day, Mummy and me played lots in the garden in the afternoon with my new digger that Auntie Laura got me for my birthday.

I spent ages filling it up with bark, zooming it to the other side of the garden, emptying it, then going back for more. I like wearing my welly boots in the garden, and it was so sunny I needed my glasses, but Mummy said I look like a ned with my tracksuit on too! How rude!
So impressed at Kory holding the spider! Joe would have ran screaming in the opposite direction!!!
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