Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Final Countdown...

This time next week you'll be reading about Baby Buckingham having put in an appearance, weird eh?! My midwife (Shona) came to the house to see me yesterday, we went through all that will happen next Tuesday and Wednesday. My blood pressure is still normal which surprised me, given that my feet are about twice the size of the photos I posted last week!

On feeling the baby, she discovered she is in a funny position, and told me if anything at all happened to get on phone to hospital immediately. Anyway, it was left that she would speak to my consultant to see if I needed to see him on Friday. She called me today to update me, and said he had wanted to admit me as the position of baby is fairly dangerous *if* I were to go into labour.

So it's been agreed for the time being that if my waters break I've to get to hospital right away, no messing about. Being in wouldn't really achieve anything as they wouldn't move the date, so would just be in there waiting on potentially nothing.

On other things this week - on Monday morning, Leanne came round, then we all went to Maria's in the afternoon, we sat in the garden, but it was freezing! On Tuesday morning, Kory and I did craft things in the house, then we met Dave for lunch at Brewsters, then the library to return books and get some more, then we went round to Maria and Daniels house to play for a while in the garden with the others again! This nice weather is great getting them all out.

Today, we had the usual suspects round to our house to play. Only I didn't realise our garden is completely in the shade until 11am! So we were cold to begin with. But when the sun did come out it was all cosy. Kory has been a real grump all day, think it's more teeth, but mealtimes are a complete nightmare and have been for over a week. It's really stressing me out. As are his little funny turns about things not being in straight lines, little fusspot!

That's all for now

P.S. Kory does wear clean clothes daily, but looks like he's always got the same on as I shove the same fleecey on him for going in the garden!