Baby Update - Day 2
Wow! Well firstly thanks for all your comments everyone. I never actually realised how many people read our blog :). Thanks a lot from Julie, Kory, Krystal and myself.
A bit of a rough first night for Julie with Krystal screaming the ward down from 11 last night until 3am. The midwives ended up taking her away to listen to the radio for a bit (you learn something new even on the 2nd time round) as Julie was still unable to get out of bed.
I arrived at the hospital at 08:30 just as Julie was getting up for the first time though. She can't walk very far as its too sore but it's still not bad for less than 24 hours and her wound is healing nicely, apparently! She's also starting to get a bit more colour in her cheeks and her appetite back.
Krystal spent most of the morning sleeping, eating and then going back to sleep again. Something I noticed yesterday actually is that she's a real fuss-pot when it comes to being moved around. She prefers to just lie in one place and not be moved. Any sign of movement and she starts screaming. When she isn't being moved though she was a little angel. Well during the day for me anyway :D
The afternoon was our first family visiting session. Gran Kerr, Auntie Laura and Tom arrived with Kory and arms full of presents for Krystal and Kory. The area we are in isn't very big but we all managed to squeeze in and spent a few hours introducing a sleeping Krystal to everyone and opening all the pressies. Here's some of the nice pictures we managed to take...
Gran and Tom turned up again at 19:30 for a quick visit before everyone headed off to leave the sleepy mum and baby alone for the night. Hopefully it goes a bit smoother tonight than last, I'll let you know tomorrow though!
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