Baby Update - Day 3
Two days ago seems like an eternity for some odd reason. It's probably because we're spending most of it just sitting in the ward staring at eachother and waiting for a visitor or a midwife/doctor to come along and see us.It's SO hot in there as well. I don't know why but the moment I get in there I can't keep my eyes open. Krystal and me had a good nap together this morning which is when Julie took this picture of us.
Talking of which, Julie is doing a lot better today. She's getting a lot more strength back already and can now walk from her bed to the common room at the end of the ward and back again. She's still doped up to her eyes in painkillers though but everything is healing nicely.
Krystal had a busier day than the rest of us. She had her hearing test in the morning, which is something new they didn't do to Kory. Even though we know she can hear she still managed to fail it. It's likely because her ears are still slightly blocked from the birth so she'll have to come in to the hospital again in a couple of weeks for another shot.
She's also started to develop a bit of Jaundice on her face. Nothing that serious and nowhere near as much as Kory had but she's had a blood sample taken from her to find out what level of it she has.
Tonight is the first reasonable amount of time I've managed to spend with Kory since Krystal was born. I came home with him just after everyone left and we've spent a bit of quality son/dad time together making, eating dinner and playing with his toys. I do feel sorry for him because he's gone from a routine of just the three of us to mummy disappearing for three nights (the first time that's happened) and a strange baby turning up "out of nowhere". He's been a bit unsettled at night a) because he's teething and b) I think he's sensing the changes.
Anyway, only time will tell but tomorrow morning he's off to play with his friends for a bit and Grandpa turns up in the afternoon.
Congratulations again, card is in the post!!!
Loving the pics, cant wait to see gorgeous Krystal in the flesh, need the baby practise!!
So pleased to hear Julie is recovering well, i have so much respect for her.
Congrats again, must be so exciting to be a family of 4 now!
Lots of love from, Katy, Steve, Joe and bump!! xxxx
I see Aberdeen Matty has changed its policy of only wearing hospital sleepsuits. About bloody time! Both my kids were enormous and were squeezed into them.
She looks so much cuter in her own things.
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