Sunday, April 29, 2007

Krystal's 1st Post

This is my first time using this computer, so I might make some mistakes! I see my Mummy and Daddy have been telling you all about how I came into the world, so I don't need to do that bit again, so I'll just tell you about the last few days.

On Friday morning me and Mummy had a bit of a long lie as I'd been awake lots in the night time. In the afternoon I got my teddy suit on and we all went to register me with my name. But by the time we got there, we realised that no-one had taken any money and that it was about to close. So we have to go back tomorrow instead. This is me sleeping on my playmat, everyone was impressed as Kory never fell asleep anywhere!

On Friday night I was a really clever baby, I went to sleep at 7:30pm and had some milk at 11pm and 3am and that was me until the morning. Mummy was very happy as she got lots of sleep. We spent a lot of time in the garden on Saturday, Kory and Daddy were taking all the bark and piling it at the side of the house and stomping in the mud that was left behind. Here is Kory wearing Daddy's gardening gloves.

Today Mummy wasn't so happy with me, I was up almost all night last night, I just didn't want to sleep. I wanted to go in the big bed for a nice cuddle. It worked, and as mummy was so sleepy, I got to stay there till 11:30am! Daddy and Kory got up and had breakfast and left us to sleep. Kory and Mummy chilled on the couch in the afternoon.

The rest of today has been very relaxed, sleeping and playing. We sorted out my bedroom and put all my presents away. I'm such a lucky girl, I got so many lovely things, it took ages! This photo is my silly brother with a pair of pants on his head. I got them as a present yesterday and he thought they were a hat!



Thursday, April 26, 2007

One Week On

Crikey, where has the past week gone?! Yesterday Krystal was a week old. We went to playgroup in the morning to get Kory out the house and see his friends as he's been stuck in for a while. Then in the afternoon James and Kory washed the car.

Kory has been a wee star with having the baby home, he either ignores her or wants involved in everything to do with her. He's definitely not bothered by her being here (yet!) He likes to be the proud big brother, telling me when she's crying, and commentating on what she's doing - eg drinking milk, hands, squeaking, legs get the idea.

Today James and Kory did some gardening in the morning. Kory managed to fall down the patio steps and burst his top lip open, ouch!! We all went to the group in the afternoon. Needless to say Krystal was taken when we went in and returned when we were leaving, and passed around everyone in between. Kory had fun playing with his friends and was chuffed to have Daddy there too.

These photos were taken tonight after dinner, Kory was delighted to be holding Krystal, he's much more confident than last week in the hospital. He thinks it's funny when she moves and tickles him. I'm very proud of how he's been this week, he seems so grown up.

Krystal is doing well, she's feeding like a pro, and sleeping isn't bad either (only up once last night!) She likes to be held close a lot, which is nice as she's so scrummy!! Tonight James lay her on her play mat for a while which she actually seemed to like, even though she's too little for it yet.

As I did after Kory, I'll be having photos weekly for 3 weeks. I still feel like an elephant, but realistically one week on it's not bad going considering how huge I was. I am still in a lot of pain and taking a pile of painkillers. My midwife was round today, all seems well with wound and my general health. I'm very emotional though, as is normal at this stage, just crying over nothing and everything.



Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We're Home!

As the title suggests, Krystal and I are at home. We got out in the middle of the afternoon yesterday and have been settling into our little family since then. But first, back to Sunday. In the afternoon, only James and Kory came to visit us in hospital. We were meant to be getting out, but the doctor had other ideas and said it would be Monday before we got out.

It was nice spending time together, Kory took an interest in Krystal for the first time - presumably as there was no other novelty visitors! He was in my bed and asked for the baby to come and lie next to him, very cute isn't it?!

The hospital was so so hot the whole time I was in, it was actually ridiculous, we were all dripping in sweat on the ward. The midwives even still expected us to wrap babies in 2 blankets, they'd have cooked! Overall I had a much better experience in hospital this time compared to when I was in having Kory. The midwives were so helpful and lovely, even helping in the night when I could barely move!

So yesterday was getting out day, I spent the morning packing and seeing one doctor and midwife after another to get discharged. I also had a nice chat with the breastfeeding lady who was very nice.

James and Kory arrived to collect us about 2:30pm and it was about 3pm by the time we loaded the car and were escorted out. Kory was chuffed to bits to have "baby Tiso" in the car beside him and stroked her head on the way home! Both babies were asleep by 7:30pm last night and we had an evening to ourselves before the night fun started.

Krystal has an awake period about 11pm-3am, she's done it every night so far. But after that she settles and sleeps about 4 hours. But she's so little and snuggly, I can't be mad with her even when I'm shattered!

Today we just relaxed and slept around the house. My midwife came this morning to see me and Krystal. This afternoon we all went into the garden for a wee while, with Krystal all wrapped up in her Teddy suit. It was very cute and she just slept the whole time!

Kory is being a brilliant big brother, wants to help with Krystal lots. And this evening he stopped what he was doing and put his toys away to go to her when she cried, which was very sweet of him. She stopped crying too when he went over to her.

This video is of her in her swing and Kory eating his "blueberries hiding in yoghurt" after dinner tonight.



Saturday, April 21, 2007

Baby Update - Day 4

A busy day but not a lot to report today!

Things started off reasonably relaxed for some of us, as Kory demostrated by eating toast in Mummy and Daddy's bed...

We headed out at 9 o'clock though and dropped Kory off at Daniel's house so he could spend the morning playing with someone his own age for a change.

I then headed off on my daily drive to the hospital to see the girls.

Julie didn't get ANY sleep at all last night. Krystal seems to have her nights and days mixed up at the moment and isn't really settling with Julie because she can smell the milk. If a midwife takes her though she's sleeping within minutes. Can you see where this is heading? :(

Still, Julie's looking a lot brighter now. The only news on that side of things is she's still seeing stars, which is something she was getting at the end of the pregnancy. They've taken a blood sample from her and they're going to look into it further but her blood pressure is fine and they don't think it's anything serious to worry about.

Afternoon visitors today were Hannah and Grandpa Kerr. Krystal barely opened her eyes at all. In fact she seemed in a pretty deep sleep for most of it as she didn't seem to care about being passed around. That's a first!

We all headed off at 16:00 to do some shopping before heading home for dinner, and that was really about it for our day!

Jim headed back to the hospital again for the night visit while I stayed at home to look after Kory. Krystal was STILL sleeping while he was there.

Anyway, it's been a long day so I'm off to bed. Here's hoping that Julie's test results come back clear tomorrow and they'll both be coming home.



Friday, April 20, 2007

Baby Update - Day 3

Two days ago seems like an eternity for some odd reason. It's probably because we're spending most of it just sitting in the ward staring at eachother and waiting for a visitor or a midwife/doctor to come along and see us.

It's SO hot in there as well. I don't know why but the moment I get in there I can't keep my eyes open. Krystal and me had a good nap together this morning which is when Julie took this picture of us.

Talking of which, Julie is doing a lot better today. She's getting a lot more strength back already and can now walk from her bed to the common room at the end of the ward and back again. She's still doped up to her eyes in painkillers though but everything is healing nicely.

Krystal had a busier day than the rest of us. She had her hearing test in the morning, which is something new they didn't do to Kory. Even though we know she can hear she still managed to fail it. It's likely because her ears are still slightly blocked from the birth so she'll have to come in to the hospital again in a couple of weeks for another shot.

She's also started to develop a bit of Jaundice on her face. Nothing that serious and nowhere near as much as Kory had but she's had a blood sample taken from her to find out what level of it she has.

Gran, Auntie Laura and Tom where in again this afternoon for their final visit before heading back home. Kory came along as well and has got a bit braver with Krystal. He was stroking her hair today and just after everyone left we managed to get a photo of the two together for the first time.

Tonight is the first reasonable amount of time I've managed to spend with Kory since Krystal was born. I came home with him just after everyone left and we've spent a bit of quality son/dad time together making, eating dinner and playing with his toys. I do feel sorry for him because he's gone from a routine of just the three of us to mummy disappearing for three nights (the first time that's happened) and a strange baby turning up "out of nowhere". He's been a bit unsettled at night a) because he's teething and b) I think he's sensing the changes.

Anyway, only time will tell but tomorrow morning he's off to play with his friends for a bit and Grandpa turns up in the afternoon.



Thursday, April 19, 2007

Baby Update - Day 2

Wow! Well firstly thanks for all your comments everyone. I never actually realised how many people read our blog :). Thanks a lot from Julie, Kory, Krystal and myself.

A bit of a rough first night for Julie with Krystal screaming the ward down from 11 last night until 3am. The midwives ended up taking her away to listen to the radio for a bit (you learn something new even on the 2nd time round) as Julie was still unable to get out of bed.

I arrived at the hospital at 08:30 just as Julie was getting up for the first time though. She can't walk very far as its too sore but it's still not bad for less than 24 hours and her wound is healing nicely, apparently! She's also starting to get a bit more colour in her cheeks and her appetite back.

Krystal spent most of the morning sleeping, eating and then going back to sleep again. Something I noticed yesterday actually is that she's a real fuss-pot when it comes to being moved around. She prefers to just lie in one place and not be moved. Any sign of movement and she starts screaming. When she isn't being moved though she was a little angel. Well during the day for me anyway :D

The afternoon was our first family visiting session. Gran Kerr, Auntie Laura and Tom arrived with Kory and arms full of presents for Krystal and Kory. The area we are in isn't very big but we all managed to squeeze in and spent a few hours introducing a sleeping Krystal to everyone and opening all the pressies. Here's some of the nice pictures we managed to take...

Everyone headed off around 4 o'clock to get something to eat before the evening visits started so Julie, Krystal and me just had a bit of a chill out before their dinner arrived. Some however seemed to enjoy chilling out more than the rest of us :)

Gran and Tom turned up again at 19:30 for a quick visit before everyone headed off to leave the sleepy mum and baby alone for the night. Hopefully it goes a bit smoother tonight than last, I'll let you know tomorrow though!



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Well here she is!

Well here she is...

...Krystal Charlotte Buckingham :)

Quite an early & quick start for us this morning. I got into the hospital ward at around 08:30 this morning after Julie spent the night there. She had her pre-op checks the afternoon before and decided at that time that she'd just stay in.

Within 30 mins of me being there Julie was being gowned up and both of us walked down to the theatre. The operation started just off the back of 10 and at 10:20 this morning baby Krystal came into the world at a surprising 8lbs 7.

By around 11:15 we were through in the Recovery Room and that's where we stayed for the vast majority of the day until a bed was made available within the ward.

Julie has been a bit uncomfortable and the pain has been a bit intense at times but compared to the Emergency C-Section she had with Kory it's all seemed a lot more relaxed and controlled. Here's a picture of mum and baby enjoying a hug about an hour after the operation.

At 14:00 Krystal's new big brother arrived to meet her for the first time. Kory didn't seem overly bothered to be honest, he was more interested in all the medical stuff lying around and poking & prodding at the pipes Mum had in her arm. He did however bring her a present, which was her first teddy bear. Krystal also had a present for Kory which was a Numberjacks DVD (one of his favourite programmes) which he seemed chuffed to bits with.

After visiting time was over Kory headed back home with Auntie Laura and we all decided to have a bit of a chill-out for a bit. Julie had something to eat for the first time in 18 hours and Krystal had a bit of sleep with her new teddy.

Finally when we did get up to the ward (around 18:00) we got everyone settled in and then spent a bit of time getting to know eachother. Krystal is already showing the signs of being a Daddy's girl by falling asleep on me within minutes of us sitting down. Needless to say I followed quickly after her :)

Anyway, bedtime for me. Another busy day tomorrow as Krystal is going to meet her Auntie Laura, Gran and Tom for the first time. We'll let you know how they get on ;)



Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 38/39 - Final Bump

Yay - it's the final bump photos! I'll probably still post a few after baby ones like I did last time, like the amazing shrinking tummy!

I'm a bit daunted about this week and what it'll bring (apart from a baby I mean!) - having major surgery is a big deal at any time, but having a baby the same day?! And to compound that I don't get to lie in bed and recover - oh no I get made to get up and showered at 7am the next day!!

And that's not to mention how scared I am of having another baby with a toddler full stop! Bit late now though, I should have thought of this about...well 8 months ago!



Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Name Is.....



Train and Car!

We've not done much since the last post, but there are a few good photos, so thought I'd put them on before I forget! On Thursday we went to Ann's house as baby group was off for the school holidays (we meet in a school!) we started in the garden, but the combination of the water play table, the sandpit and the Cove Haar coming in made it cold and the kids were all soaked! So we trooped inside to play instead. The photo here is just before we went, his hat was on the stairs, I was making lunch and he appeared in the kitchen with it on like this and said "how you doing dude?" which had me laughing lots. He insisted on keeping it on too!

Friday was my last day alone with Kory. We didn't do anything in particular, just had a nice day together, with lots of cuddles and chats about the baby coming. Thankfully after the past 2 weeks, he behaved all day and didn't stress me out or make a fuss at mealtimes (he's been awful!) By the afternoon, we needed out so went to Leanne's for a while. Then we went for James and to Asda.

Today we've not been out anywhere, but Kory had fun in the morning playing with his train set. He gets a bit upset when the train comes off the track and he can't get it back on and when the magnets come apart separating the train. He doesn't understand things are meant to come apart and it's not actually "broken"

In the afternoon, the sun came out, so we were all out in the garden. Kory totally idolises James when he's around and follows him like he's a shadow and copies every single move he makes, weeding, putting them in the bin, pulling stones out his shoes and as you can see, standing against the fence even has to be the same!

I was on the phone chatting and when I came off, the boys were washing the car, it was pretty filthy! Kory was a bit scared of the power washer at first, but soon got into the spirit of the washing when the bubbles appeared and he got to wash too!



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Final Countdown...

This time next week you'll be reading about Baby Buckingham having put in an appearance, weird eh?! My midwife (Shona) came to the house to see me yesterday, we went through all that will happen next Tuesday and Wednesday. My blood pressure is still normal which surprised me, given that my feet are about twice the size of the photos I posted last week!

On feeling the baby, she discovered she is in a funny position, and told me if anything at all happened to get on phone to hospital immediately. Anyway, it was left that she would speak to my consultant to see if I needed to see him on Friday. She called me today to update me, and said he had wanted to admit me as the position of baby is fairly dangerous *if* I were to go into labour.

So it's been agreed for the time being that if my waters break I've to get to hospital right away, no messing about. Being in wouldn't really achieve anything as they wouldn't move the date, so would just be in there waiting on potentially nothing.

On other things this week - on Monday morning, Leanne came round, then we all went to Maria's in the afternoon, we sat in the garden, but it was freezing! On Tuesday morning, Kory and I did craft things in the house, then we met Dave for lunch at Brewsters, then the library to return books and get some more, then we went round to Maria and Daniels house to play for a while in the garden with the others again! This nice weather is great getting them all out.

Today, we had the usual suspects round to our house to play. Only I didn't realise our garden is completely in the shade until 11am! So we were cold to begin with. But when the sun did come out it was all cosy. Kory has been a real grump all day, think it's more teeth, but mealtimes are a complete nightmare and have been for over a week. It's really stressing me out. As are his little funny turns about things not being in straight lines, little fusspot!

That's all for now

P.S. Kory does wear clean clothes daily, but looks like he's always got the same on as I shove the same fleecey on him for going in the garden!


Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Weekend

I've had a really good weekend with my Mummy and Daddy. We've done lots of things together which have been fun. On Good Friday Daddy had to go to work, what's so good about that??!! Me amd Mummy had a lazy morning then went to Jessica and Sophie's house again in the afternoon as we were all bored. We played in the garden and did some drawing. This is a photo of me and Daddy pulling silly faces when he got home from work.

On Saturday morning we all went out to a place called Berryden to do some shopping. There is an Argos, and a Mothercare and a Next shop there too. So we went to Argos to get a new lawn mower for Daddy first. Then we went to Mothercare to spend some of my birthday money and we bought a lawn mower for me too. We also bought a book for the baby to record everything she does. We went over to Next to buy some clothes then to Sainsbury's.

After I had my sleep, I helped Daddy build our lawn mowers. Mine is very cool, it blows bubbles while I cut the grass. We also got a thing called a strimmer, but I don't like that, it makes a loud noise, so I had to sit on Mummy's knee while Daddy did that part.

Today when I got up, it was Easter. I got toast in bed this morning which was yummy. I helped take all the bedcovers off all the beds to get them washed, and it was fun jumping on the big pile of quilts and pillows on the bed! Next, Mummy needed to put cream on the baby bump, which is my favourite thing to do just now, I rub it all in, then peek through her tummy button to "see baby" which Mummy finds funny!

When we got dressed we went to do the front garden while it was all sunny. I helped by looking for spiders, running the screwdriver between the slabs to get the moss out and with the weeding too. I really enjoyed it out there.

Later on, after lunch, we went to Homebase to get some compost, some flowers and some seeds for me to plant. I helped Daddy fill the plant pots with stones, then me and Mummy put in some mud with our wee shovels. Next we put in the flowers, we got very dirty!

Once they were all in the pots, we got my little pot from my gardening set and planted my seeds. They are called sunflowers seeds and Mummy says they will be big and tall - bigger than me! But they are very small just now. We watered all the flowers and the seeds with my watering can and I am allowed to do that every day now, it's my job to make sure the flowers don't get too thirsty.

We had a very yummy dinner which was cheesy chicken wrapped in bacon with potatoes and salad. Then I had my very favourite - blueberries hiding in yoghurt! I have to find the blueberries and pop them in my mouth. I often like to wear Mummy's hair bobble on my head, and tonight was no different. I had it on and was running around giggling lots while Daddy tickled me. Do you think I look like Rambo?!

I'm going to go now to my bed, as I've been so busy I'm very tired. I'll try to come on again before my baby sister comes...uh oh, another person to fight to get a shot on the computer!
