Ooh it's been a while since I did a "what we've been doing" so I'll summarise so as not to bore you!
Thursday - we stayed in the house in the morning (yes that's brave, I'd not done that in weeks) and it went ok. Kory and I got in some drawing much to his delight. In the afternoon we went to baby group as usual. This photo was taken of Krystal sitting in the kitchen while I was sorting lunch out. The doorbell went so I went to get it and it was only the health visitor who came in to me with both kids sat on kitchen units, oops!
Friday - In the morning we met up with Katy as I'd not seen her since she visited us in hospital, oops. We went to the big Asda for a wonder around instead of staying in. Kory got a new treat of a Frog Chair - partly as he has nothing to sit on in the garden and it's cheap, and partly because he loves the "Green Frog" song he sings at school.
In the afternoon we all (that's all the baby group) went to Alison's house. It was chaos, 14 kids and mummies. Krystal was a nightmare, screaming all the time, and not feeding. Silly girl! But she did look very pretty in her summer outfit before we went out.
Saturday - Yippee, James off for a week. We didn't do a lot, went to the huge Tesco to get out a drive and got a mountain of nappies (thanks mum!) then went to Dobbies Garden Centre for a coffee and a cake which delighted Kory!
Sunday - The weather was awful all day, so we went to yet more shops - to return a couple of gifts Krystal got for different sizes, to the toy shop to keep Kory amused and then to buy Infacol for Krystal. It's got to the stage we have to try something! Last night I finally got round to ironing the new curtains for the living room and hanging them - it really changes the room, it looks homely now! This is Krystal doing her favourite passtime, crying!!
So that's up till today. We decided to make an early start and head down to a place called Laurencekirk to Dizzy Rascals which is a soft play place for kids with a cafe for grown ups. Kory had a great time running about mad and we all had some really nice food which you can tell was all home made.
On the spur of the moment, we decided to head to Dundee for the rest of the day - we were already about halfway there. We got there and had a nice time going round the shops. I got a new top, we spent some of the money Krystal got as gifts on buying a gorgeous gold bangle for her when she is dressed up, and then I got some real bargain clothes for the kids - 2 cardi's, 2 t-shirts and a skirt for Krystal and 3 long sleeved tops for Kory for winter for a total of £10!!
We went for something to eat in the "Potato Shop" where Krystal decided it would be a good time to go totally nuts, so everyone started at us. Then James and Kory went to get a Frappacino from Starbucks. As you can see, this idea went down very well!
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