Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Happy 90th Birthday Nan

Bit of a busy weekend this week. I was down in England visiting the family and celebrating my nan's 90th.

The weather was perfect (I even got a bit of sun on my face, neck and hands) and plenty of the family turned up. I managed to have a good chin-wag with some of my cousins and friends of the family that I've not seen in years. It's quite scary sometimes to see how much we've all grown up :)

Anyway Nan's birthday is today so HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY NAN. Hope you had a fantastic day.

Here's some photos I took with my mobile on the day:



All Change!!

Yesterday morning me and Mummy got up early to take my gran to get her bus to go home. It was sad to see her go away, we've had fun playing and she got me lots of nice things when she was here. She even did my bath for me when Daddy was away!

When we got back to the house, Mumy and our neighbour Tracey had a bit of a natter while Sophie, who is much older than me (she's a year old!) played. I then fell asleep and when I woke up, they had turned into Hannah and Holly like magic!! Here's a photo of me and Holly.

When they left in the middle of the afternoon, Mummy bundled me into the car to go and collect my Daddy from the airport. I was really pleased to have him home, but I was also so tired I couldn't smile so I showed my excitement by crying instead, honest Daddy!!

Today Mummy and I had a long sleep in her bed (I've worked out if I smile sweetly she'll cuddle me in there and we both sleep!) till about 10am. I then got to watch some telly while she had a shower and we went into town to meet Mummy's friends for lunch. One of them told us that she is cooking a new friend for me, but I can't say who she is as other folk read this who don't know yet!! But congratulations anyway to her!! I have lots of little friends, so another one is very exciting.

No more adventures to report today, and no more visitors planned now. I think the next visiting is us doing it in July when Daddy has some time off work and we go to see Gran and Grandpa, and some of Mummy and Daddy's friends.



Sunday, May 29, 2005

Busy Weekend!

Been no posts as we've had a busy few days! My mum and Tom came up on Thursday night and we spent all day on Friday with them. We went out for lunch at Stonehaven and then Tom headed home about teatime. In the evening, James and I went out for a mexican meal while my mum babysat Kory.

On Saturday we took James to the airport early in the morning to head off to his nans 90th Birthday party. Mum, Kory and I went into town and went shopping. I spent some of my birthday and Christmas money (yes I know it was months ago!) and got new jeans and a couple of tops. Kory got a sunhat for his holidays!

Today we had a bit of a long lie and then got organised and went to Matalan and Asda - poor kid must think only Asda exists outside the house, we're always there!! Mum got Kory lots of clothes and a sleeping bag for the munchkin man!

He has been fairly good all weekend, not playing up too much and sleeping on and off. He still doesn't sleep for long, but 20 minutes is better than never which is was before. We have a busy week this week, but I'll update you as we go along!



Friday, May 27, 2005

OOH scary pic!!!

Ok, how spooky is this picture??

My dad sent this through a couple of weeks ago. It's a picture of me when I was baby. Give me a bigger set of eyes and guess who you've got??? :)

I wasn't really convinced that Kory looked like me until I saw this but my god..scary!!!



Thursday, May 26, 2005

Being Cute on 2 Month Birthday!!

Today Kory was 2 months old, I can't believe how fast that time has gone!! It was fairly non-eventful...as you can see the wee guy was being a poser this morning and we got loads of cracking smiley photos. He was lying there chatting to my 2 teddy bears that I had stood in front of him. He was screeching away at them.

In the afternoon we went to our baby group - it's amazing how the babies have all changed so much in the 4 weeks we've all been meeting up.

At about 5pm, my mum arrived with Tom and 3 million presents! I am amazed at some of the lovely things we have got. I'll post pics of Kory in all the outfits when they fit him!!

We'll take some pics tomorrow of Kory with his gran and get them on here.



Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My 1st Injections

Just a short post tonight, and no photos for a change, mummy didn't take any today.

I had my 1st set of injections today and I was a good boy. I gave a scream when they put them in, but then promptly fell asleep!! I was pretty sleepy all afternoon, between feeds, and when I was awake I was all sore and not feeling well. Tonight I have been very grumpy, and whimpering like a puppy dog. Mummy and Daddy have been giving me lots of cuddles to help make me feel better and I got some medicine too which they say tastes like strawberries!!

I just thought I'd let you all know they went ok.



Tuesday, May 24, 2005

8 Week Assessment

Today Kory had his 8 week assessment at the doctors. He was as good as gold letting the doctor poke and prod him and put cold things on his chest and lights in his eyes. Anyone would think he was a good baby! The outcome was that all is well, hips chest and limbs all fine! No idea why he's a grump! He did also pick up on his tongue tie, but thinks it's fine for now and won't do anything about it till he's talking and only if it affects it.

We didn't actually do anything else today, but Kory was good. We played for ages in the garden when we came back as it was such a nice day. We used the parasol we bought him at the weekend and he was much happier not being blinded. Just can't wait till we can use his sunglasses as they are just so cute! Tomorrow we have a busy day, injections and my post natal check in the morning and then baby clinic to get the monster weighed in the afternoon.

I don't have a recent non-bump photo, but I just wanted to report I am now only half a stone over my pre-pregnancy weight!! I am so impressed as I had put on 50lbs and only 8 weeks later it's almost gone. Oh and my feet look so skinny now after being so huge!



Monday, May 23, 2005

Update on Life

A bit of an update today I think! Yesterday we all had nice long lies (well about 9am!) and then as we had a grumpy baby, we went for a drive in the afternoon to Stonehaven and all round about. Then we went to Mothercare to get a parasol thingy to keep the sun off Kory when James plonks him in the garden! Sure we'll have lots of rain now we have something to protect him from the sun!

Today Kory had a nice nap in the morning when I had the hairdryer on, and then had another nap when cuddled up with me on the couch, so was quite a happy baby for a change. We had the health visitor here at 11am and then went a walk round to see Hannah and Holly for lunch. Kory fell asleep AGAIN on the way and slept for about an hour once we were there!

In the afternoon, once both babies were fed, we headed out to get some fresh air and just wonder about. It's amazing how much better the day goes when we get out!

Tomorrow Kory has his 8 week assessment and then on Wednesday has his first set of injections. We have baby clinic on Wednesday afternoon and baby group on Thursday afternoon. I'm sure my social life wasn't this good before I had Kory! I seem to know so many more people too. What on earth did I do before!



Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Next Big Thing!

Hi Everyone, I've not done a post here for a while so thought I'd just do a quick one. My Mummy updated you on my ups and downs for the past week or so, but today I was a good boy and Mummy didn't cry once!

We went to B&Q and I slept all the way round in Mummy's arms, and then we went to a supermarket (again) and then came home and walked right round Cove with Daddy pushing me - it made a nice change to see his face and not Mummy's! She walked 4 miles with me yesterday, so I had to stare at her for AGES!

This photo is of me today wearing an outfit from Mummy's friends Wendy. It says on it "You're looking at the next big thing!"

Not a lot else to report, it's my bedtime!

Night Night


Thursday, May 19, 2005

We're Back Online!

Hi Folks, sorry there has been no posts in quite a few days, but since the weekend we've been having a nightmare. On Monday Kory was ok, I went to town shopping with Hannah and Holly and he slept all day, but from Tuesday things went rapidly downhill (he's been bad all weekend too!) He slept only about two and a half hours on Tuesday night and we were all exhausted on Wednesday. He then didn't sleep at all all day, and was literally screaming. Nothing was settling him, not walking not the pram or car, nothing! I was so frustrated I was upset too.

But anyway, last night he slept a straight 7 hours - assume he was so exhausted! And today we've been back on track and even had a bit of a smiley baby for the first time this week.

The first photo is from Sunday when we had lovely weather and Kory was in the garden soaking up some rays while James was weeding. The second photo was on Tuesday in between screaming in his snowsuit ready to go out.

This week Kory put on 10oz when he was weighed making 10lbs 11.5oz...what a little piggy, they say to expect to put on 4-7oz a week. As he is coming up to 8 weeks old, and has his check with the doctor next week, he was also measured in length and head circumference. He has grown 6cm in length and has a bigger head by 3.5cm. It was strange seeing folk coming into baby clinic with newborns and knowing Kory isn't one any more!

This photo is of Kory with one of his new toys we got him on Monday. This is a toy bar that attaches to lots of things eg. carseat, bouncy chair, moses basket etc. He had it on his chair tonight for the first time and seemed to really like it, he was smiling away at it and chattering to the animals! We bought it using vouchers we received from my Aunt Margo. I thik it's going to be a brilliant purchase!

This last pic is of Kory copying the hippo!! Both look like their eyes are about to pop out of their heads! He is now in bed, and hoping he stays there for a while! I'm afraid I don't have a lot more to report, I'm absolutely shattered this week and I haven't done much apart from paced the room with a screaming baby! Hopefully things are a bit better now and normal blogging will resume! Know some of you missed us!



Saturday, May 14, 2005

Seemed like a busy day

Hi everyone,

Well it looks like summer has finally hit Scotland. Hooray, about time!!! :)

The Buckingham family took full advantage and headed out for what felt like our first proper family outing. We started off in the early afternoon at one of our local family pubs and after a HUGE lunch we went down to the park to let Kory get some fresh air and let us burn off some of those just-eaten calories :).

The day has kind of flown passed just by doing that.

Back home and Kory and me decided to chill out in front of the laptop with a bit of music. He loves the swirling graphics you get with Windows Media Player and Daddy's taste in music :P (yeah I'm worried as well!!!).

To get Kory ready for moving into his big bedroom we put him down in his cot for the first time tonight. Things were a bit rough at first with him screaming for 30 minutes. The "emergency dummy" soon sorted that one out though :). Apart from that it went pretty smoothly.

Fingers crossed for an easy move to next door when it happens.



Friday, May 13, 2005

My New Hat!

Look at me, am I not just so cute? Today was a really hot day, so mummy got out my smallest sunhat (I have a bigger one for later in the year too!) I love having it on, and even kept it on when I had all my clothes apart from my vest taken off when I got too hot.

After this photo was taken, we went to sit in the garden for a wee while, all these new things to look at and I was engrossed with my hand! Yes, my hand!! Today I realised that it's attached to me, and I can control it. So when I wasn't sleeping, I have held it up in front of me and stared at it!!

Me and Mummy went a walk to the doctors to get my prescriptions, then to chemists. It was a nice walk, and the first one I have been on where I haven't gone to sleep. If the weather is nice tomorrow, daddy says he'll take me to a park, yippee!!



Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mirror Image

Just look at these two - like peas in a pod!!

Today was another good day! Well it was short - Kory and I fell asleep when James went to work at 8:30am and I woke at 11:30am!! I think Kory would have slept all day if I had left him. Anyway, this made us have to rush around as we had baby group at 1:45pm, so to get me showered and dressed and him washed and dressed and fed....what a rush!!

Baby group was fun, so not what I ever saw myself doing of an afternoon, but there you go! Kory slept the whole time we were there, I'm sure those people think he always sleeps!

When James came home from work, Kory was in a brilliant mood and played on his mat. He's really taken to the elephant from the bar that hangs over it, but I think that's because it has a trunk he can get in his mouth!! He is also fascinated with the camera as this picture shows. He's either a big poser, or just nosey and interested in everything now!



Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I Feel Better!!

I'm back! Happy Baby is in town!! Today has been a good day, I was up early (5:30am) as usual, and got to go in with mummy to have a sleep at about 8am when daddy went to work. We didn't get up until 10am, which was really nice. I like cuddles with Mummy.

We tried on some of my 0-3 month clothes today and they are all huge on me. I don't understand why, as I am a big boy now I have got past 10lbs, so I am not little, but they all drown me!! So Mummy had to put back on my newborn ones, I feel like such a baby!

After my feed, I was in a really good mood. Mummy says my Gaviscon for babies must be working. I even discovered the TV today!! Mummy plonked me in front of it so she could go to the toilet (I don't understand why she doesn't just wear a nappy too, much easier than leaving the room!) This photo is of me chatting to the man on there making food, he was doing it wrong!

In the afternoon, we went out to a supermarket. I know I enjoyed it the first time, but we ALWAYS seem to be in an Asda shop! Today it was a new one that just opened and we went with Hannah and Holly. Like every other time we go out, I slept most of the time. Here is the evidence, me in my carseat!!

When Daddy came home from work I was in a good mood, I watched him and Mummy have dinner and then for a change Mummy did my bath which was nice, but Daddy does it better, he lets me play for longer. Anyway, I better dash off, Mummy wants the computer back now!



Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Tough 2 Days

Hi Folks, there's been no blog as I have had a tough couple of days with Kory (again). He just won't sleep. It's incredible really, he's sleeping about 9 hours at the most out of 24, which is what an adult sleeps, not a bloomin 6 week old baby. Yesterday we went to Hannah's in the afternoon as I was climbing the walls. Caroline had come round in the morning and Kory just wouldn't sleep after that. Hannah's friend Angela was there too with her wee boy Matthew. Both Holly and Matthew who are older babies slept and naughty Kory just was wide awake!

What is really hard is that no-one has any suggestions on how to make him sleep. I am fine with it for a while, but then he gets so so upset and it upsets me, which makes him worse! Last night I was in such a state, I had decided that today what would be would be, and if I had to sit and hug him all day and feed him all day to get him to sleep, I would. But no, he STILL didn't sleep in the afternoon, although he did in the morning on the way back from baby clinic and for a while afterwards.

On another note, he has put on 9oz in the past 6 days, so no worries on the feeding front! His thrush in his mouth has gone, so we don't need to use the gel any more, which he'll miss as he loved it! I still have to use to be sure I don't pass back to him.

We are now trying baby Gaviscon to see if it helps settle him at all as he might have reflux. This is common in babies anyway, but as I have pretty bad oesophagus problems, the chances of him having something are more likely. Poor baby if he does! But after his first dose tonight, he went down much easier than he has for the past 2 weeks, so don't know if a coincidence or not!

Caroline also noticed today he has tongue tie. It's not severe enough for them to do anything about, unless it bothers him when he is older and learning to talk. Some babies get it cut as babies, but his isn't needed.

So that is all our news - both these pics were taken at rare non-crying moments over past 2 days!

Very stressed out Julie.xx


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Our Weekend Antics

We've had a nice weekend, just chillin' out and doing mundane things we used to do before Kory arrived. It was our first real weekend as a family with no visitors. On Saturday morning James got up and fed Kory to give me a long lie. We've had a good baby all weekend! This photo is of Kory in our bed looking mighty pleased with himself! He doesn't often get in there, and he went in yesterday and almost immediately zonked!

We didn't do much once we were organised, nipped to Asda to get Kory's passport photo taken which was funny. He had to be laid on the floor on a white jumper, and we had to waken him as they need their eyes open in the photo. So the result is him looking very sleepy and peeping out as if to say "let me sleep!"

Later on David came round to meet the wee guy. He only stayed about 30 mins and was too scared to hold him! What harm can a little munchkin do!?

Today we've done some more of nothingness! We were going to go a walk round the park, but it was sooo windy we decided not to and went to Toys R Us and Mothercare instead. We were looking for a toy bar thing for Kory but couldn't find any. This photo was taken in the afternoon after his feed. When he is really sleepy he cuddles in with his legs up in front of him which is so cute!



Friday, May 06, 2005

Wee Willie Winkie!

Today was a much better day! Kory let himself have a sleep this morning which set us in good stead for the rest of the day. We got up and got sorted out and went out with Hannah and Holly for lunch with one of my other friends Kelly.

When we got home, Kory was roasting hot, so I got out this wee outfit. James bought it for him in the Next sale the weekend we found out I was pregnant, so it was the first thing he had. I couldn't resist putting the hat on for a photo, and he looked like Wee Willie Winkie!! Poor kid!

This photo is of Kory playing with James and his Winnie the Pooh toy he was given as a present from Holly when he was born. He loves it just now and is really starting to watch toys. James finishes work early on Friday's so they had a big long playtime.

A few weeks ago, we saw Kory sticking 2 fingers up to the camera, well it looks like he's now progressed to just his middle finger!! What a rude little munchkin man we have!! He does make me laugh so much sometimes.

This last photo is of my two boys...Kory was so sleepy, all he wanted to do was drop off, but it was too close to bathtime and bedtime so we weren't letting him, and he was so fed up with us!



Thursday, May 05, 2005

Bathtime with Duck!

I've had a nice day today. In the morning, Caroline (our Health Visitor) came round to bring us our prescriptions for the thrush. It tastes of oranges which remind me of Mummy's craving when I was inside her - I got about 10 oranges every day, yum!

I've been feeling a bit better and was even playful when we went to Mummy's baby group so I didn't show her up! When we came home, me and Mummy played for a while - I showed her that I hadn't really forgotton how to smile and she showed me what noises dogs and cats and ducks make which I just loved!!

When Daddy came home from work, Mummy went out and left me for the first time ever! I've gone everywhere with her for the past 6 weeks (or 10 months if you count when I didn't have a choice but to be strapped to her tummy!) She wasn't gone long, only to the chemist and to vote in what they call an election and seem to make a big deal of. She drove for the first time which was brave. Me and Daddy got along fine playing while she was away.

At bath time tonight, I got a toy in the bath!! I had Daddy's horny duck which squeaks and I just loved it. It was making noises (different to what Mummy told me a duck sounded like, is she lying?!) and I was following it around. I nearly drank half the bath when Daddy put it in the water though! Silly me!



Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Baby Clinic Weigh In

Sorry there's been no posts for a couple of days, partly because I haven't done much, and partly because we've not had a good couple of days. Yesterday, Kory spent the whole morning screaming hysterically, from the minute James left for work until about 11am when he finally gave in and went to sleep. He'd been awake since 6am and had also been up most of the night. I hadn't been well in the night which didn't help us at all!

At lunchtime, my friend Sarah and her son Coinneach came over to get us and we went out for lunch. Thankfully Kory was so shattered by then he slept in the car and in the restaurant! But the screaming soon started when we got back here. Who stole my good baby boy!? Both the pictures are of the boys on the floor playing, which lasted about 3 minutes before we had one or the other grumping!

He did go down ok last night, but woke a lot earlier than normal and took ages to get back down again, he just seemed so unhappy. This morning Kory woke up all smiley and happy and playful. But by 8am it had all gone belly up again and we had screaming until lunchtime.

We headed along to baby clinic in the afternoon to see our health visitor. This was my first real walk of any distance - 15 mins each way - and I was shattered. The Health Visitor looked at Kory's mouth and he has thrush there now too as well as his bottom. This has to be treated with gel, which of course explains my sore boobs too (sorry if too much info!)

He was weighed and is now 9lbs 8.5oz which is 4.5oz weight gain since Friday. My little pudding likes his grub! So that's all we have done in 2 days, hence no blog as it really is unexciting!



Monday, May 02, 2005

Daddy's Day Off

Today Daddy didn't have to go to work as it was a Bank Holiday, so he got to spend a whole extra day with me, lucky Daddy! You'd think he'd be pleased to see me, but I had to get up with Mummy and go downstairs while Daddy got a long lie. I didn't even see him until about 11:30am when I woke up after my morning nap.

Once I'd had my lunch (same as breakfast, dinner and supper!!) we went a drive to the other side of Aberdeen to Tesco. Mummy chose a really cute pair of dungarees for me with Pooh Bear's little friend Roo on them. I can't wait till they fit me, but I think it'll be a while, they look huge!

When we came home, Daddy did the ironing. Yes, I said Daddy!! I sat in my chair and watched him and smiled lots at him to make him less stressy about doing it. I'm too cute to be stressy around most of the time.

I then went into the kitchen to watch Mummy making macaroni cheese. She was bashing around huffing and puffing about how boring the food is now she can't have anything spicy. I think this might be my fault, I get a sore bottom when she has spicy foods!

After dinner time, I played for ages on the couch with Daddy. He plays this game with me where he blows raspberries and makes birdie noises in my mouth when I open it. I find it funny and open wider so he'll do it again! I love playtimes with Daddy!



Sunday, May 01, 2005

Lazy Like Sunday Morning!

Today has been a strange day. We were in Asda doing our monthly shopping just after 8am this morning. Now for those that know us, you'll know we don't "do" mornings let alone Sunday ones! So this was highly unusual for us. Kory was fab, he slept the whole way round in his teddy suit!

When we got home, Kory and James crashed out on the couch which was so cute, I had to take a photo! They looked so alike when they were both sound asleep, and both big lazy bones'....like father like son!

Kory got up and played for a while then James put him down for his afternoon nap. I took the chance to have a wee snooze on the couch myself, and woke up to find Kory beside me sucking his hands! Oh, and here is the photographic evidence as "revenge" I'm told!

James is off work tomorrow, but as yet we have no plans...another lazy day I guess, as I am really in agony from today, but if the weather is nice we might go to Hazelhead Park for a walk or something.
