I Feel Better!!
I'm back! Happy Baby is in town!! Today has been a good day, I was up early (5:30am) as usual, and got to go in with mummy to have a sleep at about 8am when daddy went to work. We didn't get up until 10am, which was really nice. I like cuddles with Mummy.
We tried on some of my 0-3 month clothes today and they are all huge on me. I don't understand why, as I am a big boy now I have got past 10lbs, so I am not little, but they all drown me!! So Mummy had to put back on my newborn ones, I feel like such a baby!After my feed, I was in a really good mood. Mummy says my Gaviscon for babies must be working. I even discovered the TV today!! Mummy plonked me in front of it so she could go to the toilet (I don't understand why she doesn't just wear a nappy too, much easier than leaving the room!) This photo is of me chatting to the man on there making food, he was doing it wrong!
In the afternoon, we went out to a supermarket. I know I enjoyed it the first time, but we ALWAYS seem to be in an Asda shop! Today it was a new one that just opened and we went with Hannah and Holly. Like every other time we go out, I slept most of the time. Here is the evidence, me in my carseat!!
When Daddy came home from work I was in a good mood, I watched him and Mummy have dinner and then for a change Mummy did my bath which was nice, but Daddy does it better, he lets me play for longer. Anyway, I better dash off, Mummy wants the computer back now!
hey Kory...glad your were in a better mood today....mummy and daddy prefer happy Kory.
i know you wanna be a big boy and fit into big boys clothes....but i hate to be the one to tell you this but...you are still a baby, only 47 days old, bet it feels a lot longer eh?
I knew you had to discover the TV sometime....its a very good thing, when your just a bit older youll even get to watch cartoons on it...but only if your a smily baby!!!
Love Auntie Laura xxx
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