Daddy's Day Off
Today Daddy didn't have to go to work as it was a Bank Holiday, so he got to spend a whole extra day with me, lucky Daddy! You'd think he'd be pleased to see me, but I had to get up with Mummy and go downstairs while Daddy got a long lie. I didn't even see him until about 11:30am when I woke up after my morning nap.
Once I'd had my lunch (same as breakfast, dinner and supper!!) we went a drive to the other side of Aberdeen to Tesco. Mummy chose a really cute pair of dungarees for me with Pooh Bear's little friend Roo on them. I can't wait till they fit me, but I think it'll be a while, they look huge!
When we came home, Daddy did the ironing. Yes, I said Daddy!! I sat in my chair and watched him and smiled lots at him to make him less stressy about doing it. I'm too cute to be stressy around most of the time.
I then went into the kitchen to watch Mummy making macaroni cheese. She was bashing around huffing and puffing about how boring the food is now she can't have anything spicy. I think this might be my fault, I get a sore bottom when she has spicy foods!

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