A Tough 2 Days
Hi Folks, there's been no blog as I have had a tough couple of days with Kory (again). He just won't sleep. It's incredible really, he's sleeping about 9 hours at the most out of 24, which is what an adult sleeps, not a bloomin 6 week old baby. Yesterday we went to Hannah's in the afternoon as I was climbing the walls. Caroline had come round in the morning and Kory just wouldn't sleep after that. Hannah's friend Angela was there too with her wee boy Matthew. Both Holly and Matthew who are older babies slept and naughty Kory just was wide awake!
What is really hard is that no-one has any suggestions on how to make him sleep. I am fine with it for a while, but then he gets so so upset and it upsets me, which makes him worse! Last night I was in such a state, I had decided that today what would be would be, and if I had to sit and hug him all day and feed him all day to get him to sleep, I would. But no, he STILL didn't sleep in the afternoon, although he did in the morning on the way back from baby clinic and for a while afterwards.On another note, he has put on 9oz in the past 6 days, so no worries on the feeding front! His thrush in his mouth has gone, so we don't need to use the gel any more, which he'll miss as he loved it! I still have to use to be sure I don't pass back to him.
We are now trying baby Gaviscon to see if it helps settle him at all as he might have reflux. This is common in babies anyway, but as I have pretty bad oesophagus problems, the chances of him having something are more likely. Poor baby if he does! But after his first dose tonight, he went down much easier than he has for the past 2 weeks, so don't know if a coincidence or not!
Caroline also noticed today he has tongue tie. It's not severe enough for them to do anything about, unless it bothers him when he is older and learning to talk. Some babies get it cut as babies, but his isn't needed.
So that is all our news - both these pics were taken at rare non-crying moments over past 2 days!
Very stressed out Julie.xx
Hi Julie, sorry to hear your wee little man is giving you a hard time these past few days. I am not going to tell you what to do with him as you probably hear it from everyone and I'm no expert. But all I can say to you is that all babies go through lots of different stages in the first 3 months of life and this is just one of them. He will get through it, and everything will be back to normal soon. Look after yourself and try not to stress, I know its hard sometimes. :)
Just been catching up after our trip to Norway. Poor little man. I had no idea you could get Gaviscon for babies, must be a new thing. I could have done with it for Heather, she had severe reflux for the first 12 months. Everything that went down came straight back up - she spent the whole time wearing a bib. Shame as you couldn't see her pretty dresses :( Once she went onto proper solids it seemed to sort itself out thankfully.
And a tongue tie too! Are you going to do anything about it or is it not that bad? Hamish had his cut at 8 months but his was really bad, it affected his feeding. His tongue couldn't stimulate enough breast milk and he didn't gain any weight for the first 6 weeks. He had to go onto formula after that. But he's had it done now and he's speaking well, he's just got a cute little crease down the centre of his tongue.
Anyway take care and try not to stress too much (easy for me to say I know) but as your friend Pooh Bear says, it's just a phase and you'll go through many of them in the next 18 years or so!!!!!!!
The tongue tie isn't that bad just now. The Health visitor wants to keep an eye on it though as he grows.
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