Our Weekend Antics
We've had a nice weekend, just chillin' out and doing mundane things we used to do before Kory arrived. It was our first real weekend as a family with no visitors. On Saturday morning James got up and fed Kory to give me a long lie. We've had a good baby all weekend! This photo is of Kory in our bed looking mighty pleased with himself! He doesn't often get in there, and he went in yesterday and almost immediately zonked!
We didn't do much once we were organised, nipped to Asda to get Kory's passport photo taken which was funny. He had to be laid on the floor on a white jumper, and we had to waken him as they need their eyes open in the photo. So the result is him looking very sleepy and peeping out as if to say "let me sleep!"
Later on David came round to meet the wee guy. He only stayed about 30 mins and was too scared to hold him! What harm can a little munchkin do!? Today we've done some more of nothingness! We were going to go a walk round the park, but it was sooo windy we decided not to and went to Toys R Us and Mothercare instead. We were looking for a toy bar thing for Kory but couldn't find any. This photo was taken in the afternoon after his feed. When he is really sleepy he cuddles in with his legs up in front of him which is so cute!
Just noticed you didn't find a toy bar. Not sure if you've seen this but I got a few things from this website. It's totally excellent - you can get EVERYTHING. Here's the url if you're interested. http://mothersbliss.com
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