Update on Life
A bit of an update today I think! Yesterday we all had nice long lies (well about 9am!) and then as we had a grumpy baby, we went for a drive in the afternoon to Stonehaven and all round about. Then we went to Mothercare to get a parasol thingy to keep the sun off Kory when James plonks him in the garden! Sure we'll have lots of rain now we have something to protect him from the sun!
Today Kory had a nice nap in the morning when I had the hairdryer on, and then had another nap when cuddled up with me on the couch, so was quite a happy baby for a change. We had the health visitor here at 11am and then went a walk round to see Hannah and Holly for lunch. Kory fell asleep AGAIN on the way and slept for about an hour once we were there!In the afternoon, once both babies were fed, we headed out to get some fresh air and just wonder about. It's amazing how much better the day goes when we get out!
Tomorrow Kory has his 8 week assessment and then on Wednesday has his first set of injections. We have baby clinic on Wednesday afternoon and baby group on Thursday afternoon. I'm sure my social life wasn't this good before I had Kory! I seem to know so many more people too. What on earth did I do before!
That's great you're getting out and about. My experience of having a baby in Cove wasn't so positive, I had a really antisocial bunch of people in my antenatal group and my health visitor was non existent. I had a much better time in Ellon.
Although once I met Kay (childminder) I got to know a load of people in Cove and have to say I was gutted when I left. If you know people, Cove is a really friendly place to be!
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