Thursday, September 29, 2005

Loads of Fun Things!

Sorry people, I've not posted for a while, I've been very busy being a big boy and eating big boy food. So far I have had pears, apples, peaches, banana, yoghurt (which was really yuck), carrots, potatoes, cauliflower (my favourite!), sweetcorn, sweet potato, ricecakes & for the past 2 days I've had porridge for my breakfast too, only mummy doesn't go fast enough which makes me cross!

So what have I been up to? I've had a busy old week actually. On Tuesday, me and Mummy went to a place called Stonehaven which is quite near our house. Firstly we went to a nice place for a coffee and we met Lynne and Kerry who used to come to my baby group but they moved house so I haven't seen Kerry for ages. In the afternoon, we went to Mummy's friend Ann's house and I got to play with little Emilie's toys. She's still too little to be interesting though, but mummy thinks she's cute.

After I had my lunch there, we went out for a walk in the forest, there was loads of trees - I just LOVE trees. I'm really glad mummy and daddy bought me a 3 wheel pram because it was like being offroading in the forest, very bumpy!! But it didn't stop me sleeping!!

Yesterday we were in the house all morning, but had a friend of Mummy's over for lunch, and after that I got to go and see my friend James and we went a walk. We both had a wee sleep and then him and his Mummy came to my house. I sat up watching James, he can roll over and over which is clever, so I think I might try that soon.

Today was just baby group like we do every thursday, it was very busy today which made it noisy and as I'm a big woose, it scared me. Luckily Mummy was there to hug me when I got frights. All 3 of these photos of me were taken today in my "space pod" I can now sit up in it and touch the raincover which I think is hilarious, but it's really annoying I can't catch the rain, no matter how hard I try.

Tomorrow I am going to an Art class which is very exciting, I'll need to get Mummy to take the camera and we can take some photos.



Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Half Birthday!!

My little baby boy is 6 months old today! Happy half birthday wee man!!

Wow, 6 months, part of it seems like 5 minutes ago, the other part seems like it was years ago and can't remember a time when he wasn't here.

His Daddy bought him a cute wee card and a mini half birthday cake, so we lit a candle today and let him blow it out! He was just trying to catch the flame, which was so cute. We did tell him to make a wish, but don't think he had a clue what we were on about!! He just wanted his biscuit back!

Today he ate cauliflower, then peaches, then a biscuit, then a rice cake, then a bit of apple. Honestly, he's only been eating 3 days and you'd never know he did anything different. He just opens, chomps and swallows. I couldn't believe he ate a whole rice cake!

Anyway, just wanted to post something relevant today, but it's short as Kory isn't well and has been back downstairs for the past hour.

Here's to the next 6 months of fun!


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Kory Karrots!

Today Kory had carrot and potato. James fed him, but he wasn't particularly interested, but what a mess! I shouldn't have told him he was a good boy yesterday as today he obviously decided to show us he's not! Think he preferred pear!

Anyway, we didn't do much yesterday or today really. We saw our financial adviser yesterday to discuss an extension, and today we went out for a late lunch/early dinner after doing some housework. While we ate food, we gave Kory a carrot stick that had come with James' food and he seemed to like that. Not sure how much he ate, but it kept him quiet while we ate!

Incidentaly, I call him Kory Karrots sometimes, and sing (to the tune of "oh my darling")Kory Karrots, Kory Karrots, Kory kaaaarrots, Karrot boy.....and he laughs at me, have done this for about 2 months and he finds it funny, hence the title of this post! Why am I even admitting this!?? Another nickname is Kory Kustard!

He even got chatted up by the manageress today - who told him to give her a ring in 20 years, as he was lovely and had gorgeous eyes!! Here's a wee pic of him when we got home, just chilling out on the couch.



Saturday, September 24, 2005

Pear Day!

Well today, they finally let me in about some real food. Mummy gave me some pear for lunch and I loved it. I was a really good boy mostly, and the only time I did anything naughty was when I thought it's be funny to blow bubbles with some in my mouth! Mummy says I looked like I'd been eating pear all my life, whatever that means! Here are some photos of me for you all to giggle at...

Apparently I'm having something called carrot and something else called potato tomorrow!!

Here is another couple of photos of me today, one chilling out with Daddy and another sitting on Mummy's knee.

And lastly, here is me in the middle of the night when I got up for food being all cuddly and another of me playing with Mummy on the big bed, she was blowing raspberries on my tummy and I was giggling and trying to catch my feet at the same time, but they kept moving when I got excited...silly feet!

More pics tomorrow!



Friday, September 23, 2005

Proud Mummy!

Well I have just completed my final day of my 26th week of exclusively breastfeeding Kory. I actually didn't think I would ever get this far, and am so proud to have achieved it and given Kory a great start in life in the process. There have been some real hard times along the way where I've almost given up, but I didn't thanks to a few people.

Mainly James, he has been a complete star, while I have sat on my bum feeding Kory, he does dishes, hoovers & often makes dinner in the evenings. I couldn't have done it all without him, especially in the beginning when feeding Kory took hours!

I also couldn't have done it without my Health Visitor, Caroline. I know she doesn't read here, but she was brilliant anyway, supporting me and trying to get me through to the next day/next weigh in to show me how well I was doing.

A few others helped me along the way, Sarah - probably without knowing it! By doing it with her son till 6 months and proving that it can be done, I was a little sceptical before! Hannah - for giving me some spare formula to have in the house "just incase" This allowed me to believe I was breastfeeding through choice, not necessity. And lastly, the girls I "met" online, there's lots of them, but particularly Lorraine and Charlotte.

So anyway, that turned into a bit of an awards ceremony speech! Tomorrow is the day that he becomes a grown up eating grown up food! I feel so proud of myself, even if a little sad, I feel like my tiny baby is gone. Mind you, he's still a tiny baby, even if he acts like a grown up one, no changing the fact he's dinky!



Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ickle Baby!

I knew Kory was a diddy baby, but he's really ickle! I got him measured yesterday - he is only 64cm, which makes him small for his age. Also had him weighed - the wee piglet put on 17oz in 3 weeks! This makes him 16lbs 7.5oz. No wonder he looks like he has elastic bands round his wrists and ankles!

Today we had baby group and that's all our news! Anyway, here's a couple more photos, I couldn't decide which one to use, so have them both!



Tuesday, September 20, 2005

All I Need is Food!

Ok, so let me get this straight, I'm in my high chair being a good little boy, I have my cup with water that I can drink by myself and my spoon that I know goes in my mouth...but NO FOOD!!

Mummy says I just need to be patient until the weekend and get comfy in my new chair and get used to sitting in it. She says if i am really good I'll get some yummy things to eat, and that Daddy can feed me too. I am so excited about that, as he's only given me a bottle a few times before, but now he is going to give me my dinner every night. Isn't that great??!!



Everlasting Cold!

This cold seems to be lasting forever, that is over a week now, and although it had almost gone at the weekend, it's come back with avengance and is knocking all 3 of us for six!! Unfortunately Kory doesn't understand we're ill too...I'd phone in sick if I could! James took this photo of Kory this morning feeling sorry for himself on the couch!!

So anyway, what have we been up to?? On Sunday we went to Kory's first birthday party. It was my friend Sarah's wee boy, Tiernan's 6th Birthday. He had a bouncey castle in their back garden and about 20 of his little friends which was chaos. We have all this to come!! I used to think places like McDonalds or Brewsters were a waste of money for kids parties, but now I think I see the appeal!

Kory was pretty stunned initially, then it turned to fear and out came the bottom lip and the crying started!! Maybe he's just a little too young!! We haven't really done an awful lot to report on, as we've been too ill. Both our noses are dripping like taps!

Yesterday morning we went a walk with Hannah and Holly and then had them here for lunch, and in the afternoon, Kory was so unhappy and just wanted lots of cuddles, so cuddles he got! He was in a better mood today, shame I wasn't! We did nothing, and I was bored! We did go a walk, and to feed David's fish while he's away on Honeymoon. But I'm afraid that's as exciting as it gets today!



Saturday, September 17, 2005

Silly Clothes!!

What are these evil grown ups doing to me, how silly do I look in both the photos they took of me today!? Mummy and I went out this morning to let Daddy get the attic tidied out a bit, and we went to Next to buy me a new hat and gloves. Mummy calls me a shrimp and all my 6 month hats fall over my eyes, even though I am that age, we had to buy a smaller one so I don't get cold. So this is the result!

This afternoon, Mummy went for a haircut and I played with Daddy for a while. We had fun!! Daddy plays much better games than Mummy! This photo is of me in a jacket they insisted I try on. I heard them saying they bought it the day they found out I was a boy. I obviously didn't hide my bits as well as I thought I had, I was sure I was a surprise!! The jacket is for 6 month old babies, which is almost me, but I look like I have Daddy's jacket on!! I'll be lucky if it fits me by summer next year!



Friday, September 16, 2005

Cold, Carseat, Cinema & Cheeky Boy!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, but Kory and I have both been a bit under the weather with colds, yuck. Mind you at least I can blow my nose and sniff, but the poor wee man just had a dripping nose and was so sad on Tuesday, I didn't even get him out of his pyjamas. We just lounged around all day and he got lots of cuddles. This photo was me trying to put him in his chair, but he was having none of it, and kept looking as if to say, "There is no way I am lying back now I can sit up" so I just left him like this!

Also on Tuesday, Kory's new carseat arrived. It's a Maxi-Cosi one and I love it. I got it at a great price on Boots website as they had it on offer. He's still too little for it just now, but in another couple of months he'll need upgraded, so we just took advantage while the offer was on. I plonked him in it to see what it was like to use, doesn't he look like he's away to go flying or something?!

On Wednesday we went to Baby Cinema with Trish and Aaron. We saw a good Scottish film called "On a Clear Day" and it was pretty good, given it was Scottish! Afterwards we went to town and got some lunch then got the bus home. Kory really likes the bus, so much to see, and doesn't even have to get out his buggy!

Yesterday, we didn't do very much, got up late and went to baby group. It was a bit uneventful actually. For a change I actually made an effort, had make up and nice clothes on, but it didn't stop Kory puking down me! This photo was taken this morning, I thought he looked really grown up and he was being such a cheeky monkey, but so cute! When we went out, he had on his beanie hat too and looked like a proper little boy!

This morning we had Hannah and Holly round after their walk. Here they are together playing. There seems less of an age gap between them now that Kory can sit up, which I assume will seem even less once they both walk and talk! This afternoon, we went a walk, and seeing as we hadn't seen Holly for a whole 2 hours, we visited her house!!

Tonight I went to Asda to get Kory new pyjamas (before his feet pop out of other ones!) and lots of finger foods for him. I am so excited about giving him "adult food" now that it's come round. It's been so worth it holding off until now, as I won't have to really puree and pulp foods down, I can give him finger foods really quickly. Watch this space for photo's and probably a movie of the big event! One week to go!



Why bother with toys?

Kory has toys, but I don't know why we bother, he's totally fascinated with labels on everything. To the point that his gran bought him a "Taggie". It's a comforter blanket with labels round the outside to play with, he often falls asleep with it in his mouth in his pram, must get a photo!

This video was taken this morning as he was trying desperately for about 20 minutes to get the label on his alien ball.



Monday, September 12, 2005

Wedding Weekend

Yesterday one of my longest friends, David, got married to his long term girlfriend, also Julie. It was a lovely wedding, Julie's dress was really nice and the setting was perfect.

Not to mention loads and loads of men in kilts. Somehow, any man, nice or not, seems almost attractive in a kilt!

Here is a rare photo of James and I! Not a lot else to say really!!

Kory spent the day with my friend Hannah, if you want to know what he did and see pics, look here as there is no point in repeating what Ian wrote about their fun packed day! Kory seemed a bit unfazed by being left, which is good (although it would have been nice if he even noticed I was gone!)

Back to Thursday - baby group as usual. This pic were taken when we got home and he was being cute, looks so grown up in his navy jacket!

On Friday Kory helped me with housework. 1st he helped me by taking pegs out of the box for me, only by the time I got them they were sucked! At first he was excited with one peg in each hand, but when he realised there was a whole tub, you'd have thought it was Christmas!

Then he sat happily in the basket while I did dishes. He was amazed by the tumble dryer for ages and could see his reflection in the oven door which amused him for a while too. It's so much easier now he sits up too! Can just take him and toys around with me!

On Saturday, we just had a pottering around day really, usual asda, into town briefly...well as brief as you can be with every second person stopping to talk to Kory! This is Kory on the kitchen floor watching James make a fry up!

Today Kory and I were just in the house again, and I was trying him with a cup. As you can see from these pics, he's pretty good, he knows to hold the handles and to put the spout in his mouth. But that is where it ends.

He takes the water in his mouth and promptly spits it out, or shakes the cup all over his face, then looks at me wondering why I am laughing!! Very cute though!



Saturday, September 10, 2005

Shamu Cam

Here's a new link to ShamuCam the killer whale family at Seaworld. It's not the Florida one I've seen, but in San Diego. It's brilliant, and even better if you happen to get on when there is a show on, and you often see men in the tank with it!



Friday, September 09, 2005

Sitting up!!

Here's a wee video I took yesterday of Kory's second day of sitting up. He's really getting the hang of it now.



Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Been A Busy Bunny!

Hi Everyone, Sorry for no posts lately, I've been so busy having fun that I forgot to come on here and show myself off. So I'll post lots to let you all catch up! On the left is me chilling out on the couch on Sunday morning, with my feet up. It was awfully comfy!

Anyway, lets start on Saturday, we all went shopping to Asda which was great fun. There are so many bright lights and lots of people to chat to and colours to watch. I went round in the trolley showing off my new noise that i can make. Mummy says I sound like the killer whale Shamu and I make my tongue into the shape of his too. She laughs at me when I do it, so I do it some more, I like making Mummy laugh.

When we got home, Mummy fed me and then went off to do some housey things, like unpack our suitcases from our Cyprus adventure and I spent some time with my Daddy as you can see. He was reading me a story from his magazine, it was all about a new gadget that is going to come out soon, it's very expensive. Mummy rolls her eyes when Daddy talks about it, and Daddy is now calling me "gadget boy" becuase I thought it was a good idea!

Here is us reading the magazine together. Mummy thought Daddy was reading me a nice story so came down to investigate only to find us like this. "Like Father, Like Son" she said!

On Sunday morning, I went to the beach with Mummy to meet a friend of hers and go a walk. Daddy used the time to get the grass cut and do some other things he's been meaning to do for ages.

On Monday we took the car to the garage to get fixed, then went to Holly's house. I was so embarassed, I still had my pyjamas on. But I needn't have been, when we got there, she was in hers too! So we played for a while. Then Holly and her mUmmy came to my house for lunch. After, we went back for the car, then went to Coinneach's house to see him and his mummy Sarah and then we went to collect Daddy from work.

On Tuesday, Joe and his mummy Katy came to my house to see me. Joe is brilliant, he's like me, but a bit older, and I was totally fascinated with him. As you can see I wouldn't take my eyes off him to look at the camera! He played with me lots and after we went a big long walk, he gave me kisses goodbye. I hope we see him again soon.

This morning, Mummy said I "threw a wobbler" I was awfully upset and what did she do? Get out the camera, that's what! Here is me looking sad. My gums are sore and I just don't know how to tell her. How rude taking my picture though!

This afternoon, after 3 weeks, I remembered how to sit up. I can now rebalance myself if I tip over. I sat for 30 mins playing with toys, and I can even look up to watch telly without falling over. Mummy put a big cushion behind me just in case I fell over so I didn't bang my head!

Love Kory.xx