Loads of Fun Things!
Sorry people, I've not posted for a while, I've been very busy being a big boy and eating big boy food. So far I have had pears, apples, peaches, banana, yoghurt (which was really yuck), carrots, potatoes, cauliflower (my favourite!), sweetcorn, sweet potato, ricecakes & for the past 2 days I've had porridge for my breakfast too, only mummy doesn't go fast enough which makes me cross!
So what have I been up to? I've had a busy old week actually. On Tuesday, me and Mummy went to a place called Stonehaven which is quite near our house. Firstly we went to a nice place for a coffee and we met Lynne and Kerry who used to come to my baby group but they moved house so I haven't seen Kerry for ages. In the afternoon, we went to Mummy's friend Ann's house and I got to play with little Emilie's toys. She's still too little to be interesting though, but mummy thinks she's cute.
After I had my lunch there, we went out for a walk in the forest, there was loads of trees - I just LOVE trees. I'm really glad mummy and daddy bought me a 3 wheel pram because it was like being offroading in the forest, very bumpy!! But it didn't stop me sleeping!!Yesterday we were in the house all morning, but had a friend of Mummy's over for lunch, and after that I got to go and see my friend James and we went a walk. We both had a wee sleep and then him and his Mummy came to my house. I sat up watching James, he can roll over and over which is clever, so I think I might try that soon.
Today was just baby group like we do every thursday, it was very busy today which made it noisy and as I'm a big woose, it scared me. Luckily Mummy was there to hug me when I got frights. All 3 of these photos of me were taken today in my "space pod" I can now sit up in it and touch the raincover which I think is hilarious, but it's really annoying I can't catch the rain, no matter how hard I try.
Tomorrow I am going to an Art class which is very exciting, I'll need to get Mummy to take the camera and we can take some photos.
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