Loads of Fun Things!
Sorry people, I've not posted for a while, I've been very busy being a big boy and eating big boy food. So far I have had pears, apples, peaches, banana, yoghurt (which was really yuck), carrots, potatoes, cauliflower (my favourite!), sweetcorn, sweet potato, ricecakes & for the past 2 days I've had porridge for my breakfast too, only mummy doesn't go fast enough which makes me cross!
So what have I been up to? I've had a busy old week actually. On Tuesday, me and Mummy went to a place called Stonehaven which is quite near our house. Firstly we went to a nice place for a coffee and we met Lynne and Kerry who used to come to my baby group but they moved house so I haven't seen Kerry for ages. In the afternoon, we went to Mummy's friend Ann's house and I got to play with little Emilie's toys. She's still too little to be interesting though, but mummy thinks she's cute.
After I had my lunch there, we went out for a walk in the forest, there was loads of trees - I just LOVE trees. I'm really glad mummy and daddy bought me a 3 wheel pram because it was like being offroading in the forest, very bumpy!! But it didn't stop me sleeping!!Yesterday we were in the house all morning, but had a friend of Mummy's over for lunch, and after that I got to go and see my friend James and we went a walk. We both had a wee sleep and then him and his Mummy came to my house. I sat up watching James, he can roll over and over which is clever, so I think I might try that soon.
Today was just baby group like we do every thursday, it was very busy today which made it noisy and as I'm a big woose, it scared me. Luckily Mummy was there to hug me when I got frights. All 3 of these photos of me were taken today in my "space pod" I can now sit up in it and touch the raincover which I think is hilarious, but it's really annoying I can't catch the rain, no matter how hard I try.
Tomorrow I am going to an Art class which is very exciting, I'll need to get Mummy to take the camera and we can take some photos.
Hi Julie, James and little Kory.
Just to say thanks Julie for another very nice Blog; interesting and lovely pics. But - hey - I am good househusband to! Perhaps it's a family thing.
Should have put this on the previous Blog entry I know but just wanted to add that both Coral and I agree with the comment on the rave music auction that " IT NEEDS TO BE HEARD TO BE BELIEVED." We are just sorry that you didn't pass it on to Kory James so that he could give you the pleasure that we had in listening to it all -over and over and over and over lol :O)
Look after yourselves,
Chad & Coral in London
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