Wedding Weekend
Yesterday one of my longest friends, David, got married to his long term girlfriend, also Julie. It was a lovely wedding, Julie's dress was really nice and the setting was perfect.
Not to mention loads and loads of men in kilts. Somehow, any man, nice or not, seems almost attractive in a kilt!
Here is a rare photo of James and I! Not a lot else to say really!!
Kory spent the day with my friend Hannah, if you want to know what he did and see pics, look here as there is no point in repeating what Ian wrote about their fun packed day! Kory seemed a bit unfazed by being left, which is good (although it would have been nice if he even noticed I was gone!)Back to Thursday - baby group as usual. This pic were taken when we got home and he was being cute, looks so grown up in his navy jacket!
On Friday Kory helped me with housework. 1st he helped me by taking pegs out of the box for me, only by the time I got them they were sucked! At first he was excited with one peg in each hand, but when he realised there was a whole tub, you'd have thought it was Christmas!
Then he sat happily in the basket while I did dishes. He was amazed by the tumble dryer for ages and could see his reflection in the oven door which amused him for a while too. It's so much easier now he sits up too! Can just take him and toys around with me!
On Saturday, we just had a pottering around day really, usual asda, into town briefly...well as brief as you can be with every second person stopping to talk to Kory! This is Kory on the kitchen floor watching James make a fry up!
Today Kory and I were just in the house again, and I was trying him with a cup. As you can see from these pics, he's pretty good, he knows to hold the handles and to put the spout in his mouth. But that is where it ends.
He takes the water in his mouth and promptly spits it out, or shakes the cup all over his face, then looks at me wondering why I am laughing!! Very cute though!
Yeah it was the Maryculter Hotel. Very nice place.
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