Been A Busy Bunny!
Hi Everyone, Sorry for no posts lately, I've been so busy having fun that I forgot to come on here and show myself off. So I'll post lots to let you all catch up! On the left is me chilling out on the couch on Sunday morning, with my feet up. It was awfully comfy!
Anyway, lets start on Saturday, we all went shopping to Asda which was great fun. There are so many bright lights and lots of people to chat to and colours to watch. I went round in the trolley showing off my new noise that i can make. Mummy says I sound like the killer whale Shamu and I make my tongue into the shape of his too. She laughs at me when I do it, so I do it some more, I like making Mummy laugh.
When we got home, Mummy fed me and then went off to do some housey things, like unpack our suitcases from our Cyprus adventure and I spent some time with my Daddy as you can see. He was reading me a story from his magazine, it was all about a new gadget that is going to come out soon, it's very expensive. Mummy rolls her eyes when Daddy talks about it, and Daddy is now calling me "gadget boy" becuase I thought it was a good idea!
Here is us reading the magazine together. Mummy thought Daddy was reading me a nice story so came down to investigate only to find us like this. "Like Father, Like Son" she said!
On Sunday morning, I went to the beach with Mummy to meet a friend of hers and go a walk. Daddy used the time to get the grass cut and do some other things he's been meaning to do for ages.
On Monday we took the car to the garage to get fixed, then went to Holly's house. I was so embarassed, I still had my pyjamas on. But I needn't have been, when we got there, she was in hers too! So we played for a while. Then Holly and her mUmmy came to my house for lunch. After, we went back for the car, then went to Coinneach's house to see him and his mummy Sarah and then we went to collect Daddy from work.On Tuesday, Joe and his mummy Katy came to my house to see me. Joe is brilliant, he's like me, but a bit older, and I was totally fascinated with him. As you can see I wouldn't take my eyes off him to look at the camera! He played with me lots and after we went a big long walk, he gave me kisses goodbye. I hope we see him again soon.
This morning, Mummy said I "threw a wobbler" I was awfully upset and what did she do? Get out the camera, that's what! Here is me looking sad. My gums are sore and I just don't know how to tell her. How rude taking my picture though!
This afternoon, after 3 weeks, I remembered how to sit up. I can now rebalance myself if I tip over. I sat for 30 mins playing with toys, and I can even look up to watch telly without falling over. Mummy put a big cushion behind me just in case I fell over so I didn't bang my head!
Love Kory.xx
I said it Tuesday and i will say it again now lol he looks soooo like James!!! He has your eyes tho so no denying who his mummy and daddy are!!!
Great pics as always Julie. Will show Joe in the morning.
P.S Loved the walk, feet just about recovered now!! lol
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