Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Everlasting Cold!

This cold seems to be lasting forever, that is over a week now, and although it had almost gone at the weekend, it's come back with avengance and is knocking all 3 of us for six!! Unfortunately Kory doesn't understand we're ill too...I'd phone in sick if I could! James took this photo of Kory this morning feeling sorry for himself on the couch!!

So anyway, what have we been up to?? On Sunday we went to Kory's first birthday party. It was my friend Sarah's wee boy, Tiernan's 6th Birthday. He had a bouncey castle in their back garden and about 20 of his little friends which was chaos. We have all this to come!! I used to think places like McDonalds or Brewsters were a waste of money for kids parties, but now I think I see the appeal!

Kory was pretty stunned initially, then it turned to fear and out came the bottom lip and the crying started!! Maybe he's just a little too young!! We haven't really done an awful lot to report on, as we've been too ill. Both our noses are dripping like taps!

Yesterday morning we went a walk with Hannah and Holly and then had them here for lunch, and in the afternoon, Kory was so unhappy and just wanted lots of cuddles, so cuddles he got! He was in a better mood today, shame I wasn't! We did nothing, and I was bored! We did go a walk, and to feed David's fish while he's away on Honeymoon. But I'm afraid that's as exciting as it gets today!



Anonymous said...

You all have my sympathy i know exctly how you feel because i'm all full of cold at the moment too (i'm sipping my lemsip as i type this)
I hope all goes well with Korys first gloop at the weekend and you all get well soon.
Love Auntie Kelly, Uncle Pete and Jassy. xxx