Happy Half Birthday!!
My little baby boy is 6 months old today! Happy half birthday wee man!!
Wow, 6 months, part of it seems like 5 minutes ago, the other part seems like it was years ago and can't remember a time when he wasn't here.His Daddy bought him a cute wee card and a mini half birthday cake, so we lit a candle today and let him blow it out! He was just trying to catch the flame, which was so cute. We did tell him to make a wish, but don't think he had a clue what we were on about!! He just wanted his biscuit back!
Today he ate cauliflower, then peaches, then a biscuit, then a rice cake, then a bit of apple. Honestly, he's only been eating 3 days and you'd never know he did anything different. He just opens, chomps and swallows. I couldn't believe he ate a whole rice cake!
Anyway, just wanted to post something relevant today, but it's short as Kory isn't well and has been back downstairs for the past hour.
Here's to the next 6 months of fun!
Lotsa love from your little friend, Emily x x x (and mummy Joooles)
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