Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Snow Baby on Pancake Day!

Today we've had the worst snow we've had in a while, but I decided after another 2 days stuck in the house, we'd venture out into the garden. I got Kory into his snowsuit and out we went. He was a bit unsure about it and in his snowsuit he couldn't move much so just sat there!

We, well I, built a wee dinky snowman for Kory and gave him a daffodil for a pipe (what on earth are daffodils doing out at this time of year anyway??) He's only so small because Kory got bored waiting for me, and because the snow is so soft and fluffy that it wouldn't stick together!!

The snow has not stopped all day, I took this photo at about 9pm tonight, the snow is almost covering the fence we have in front of the house!

In the garden, he did manage to pull himself up on the fence, but then didn't like the fact his feet were sinking into the snow once he was there, and stood crying, silly wee man!

What a wee poser!!

As today was pancake day, I did the appropriate mummy and wifey thing and made some pancakes! Kory was impressed, James less so. Here is Kory enjoying a nice fresh one after his lunch. That's all for now.



Pretty In Pink!!

I'm sure James would disagree, but I think Kory looks fab in his pink top! I don't have a lot to report on last week, I was in almost all week - but on the plus side, the kitchen ceiling was down, then up, then plastered, then painted and now the lighting is back in place. So we're just waiting on the flooring and it's sorted! It was horrible being stuck in and it was so hard getting Kory to sleep when crashing and banging was going on.

We did manage to get out a walk one day, although James had the proper buggy in the car, so we dragged out the emergency buggy and went out for an hour or so. This is Kory's new snowsuit, I hunted everywhere to get one in his size, for some reason, they seem to think bigger babies don't need warm legs and only make jackets in that size.

On Thursday, we had no people here so made it to baby group. Kory could even join in as he was on the move. Although he was happy to just sit between Kirsty and Morven (identical twins) - looks like he's a ladies man already! It was actually their birthday, so we all had cake, yummy!

After that, Laura came over to play with Kory and stay overnight to let me get out in the morning! Thanks Laura! Here she is giving Kory his dinner. Kory absolutely loves Laura, she can make him giggle more than anyone else and his face just lights up!!

On Friday morning, I got up and took James to work, while Laura gave Kory breakfast. I got home and went to art group with him. Laura stayed at the house to chat to the painter! When I got home, my kitchen was alomst done! I took Laura home once the painter finished and then went to Dawn's new house for a "coffee"

This is Kory Erin and Aaron - trying to get all 3 to look at the camera and/or smile was not possible, this was the result!! The little ones all had fun playing, they've not all been together for a while - which meant us mummies had fun chatting too!

On Saturday, I had a long lie (had a rough night!) and then by the time we got ready to go out, it was about 3pm, so we went to get Laura then all went out for something to eat. Kory had a field day being nosey in the restaurant and eating peas and chips and anything else we gave him! What a pig!



Wednesday, February 22, 2006

No stopping him now!!!

Well as promised here's a small video we took yesterday of Kory's lastest achievement.

You'd think he'd been doing this for months, not a few days!

Since then he's been getting in and about everything. There goes the days of putting him down and finding him still there when we come back.



Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Busy Weekend Crawling

Finally....Kory can crawl! Better late than never, but I honestly didn't think he was going to crawl at all! James will put a video of it on soon.

Last week we just did our usual stuff, until Friday when I took Kory swimming for the first time in ages. Before we went, I had got out Kory's ring, left it in the living room and came back to find it on his head, silly boy!

There were 5 of us went swimming with the wee folk and they loved being back, Kory was wild splashing and jumping about. Here is Kory with Erin, Aaron and Matthew in the cage after it!

In the afternoon we went to visit Hannah and Holly for a while. Holly had chocolate buttons, and Kory was like a vilture over to Hannah begging like a puppy for some!

I like this photo I got of Holly, so thought I'd add it too.

On Friday night, Coral arrived for the weekend. We have no photos though, partly through forgetting the camera, and partly because she didn't want her photo taken as she had cold sores!!

On Saturday morning Kory just crawled, no hesitation, just moved, which was strange! Now there is no stopping him, although he'd still rather be on his feet cruising round the furniture. This photo was of him wearing his new rucksack, which we got him to take his own nappies and snacks instead of the big changing bag, and now I have a handbag!!

We just did mundane things that needed done for the rest of Saturday, went to get our new carpets ordered, chose new light for the kitchen and got some bits and bobs from Asda. This is Kory looking totally unimpressed with having his hat on to go out...doesn't help that James did it and it's not on right!

Then at night, I went out!! It was Kory's art group "mummy's night out" so not exactly the party of the decade, but we went to a Valentines disco at the local social club where drinks were dirt cheap and it was actually a really good night out. Needless to say I was pretty drunk.

On Sunday (no hangover) we went into town in the morning round the shops and went out for a yummy spanish lunch. We then went to view some posh showhomes that James had done some media work for. I now have a new ambition in life.....to have a house with a double staircase!

Coral got a flight home at the crack of dawn on Monday morning and since then we've had some sort of workmen here, ripping down our ceiling and putting a new one up. Tomorrow the plasterer is coming, and the painter on Friday, which only leaves the carpets after that, and we can have some sort of normality - whatever that is!

I feel like a prisoner, have had to cancel all plans all week...ARGH!!!



Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Do You Think I'm Cute?

What do you think of my new hair? Mummy put something called mousse in it, and made it all stick up.

She then laughed at me loads...she says it's cute, but I'm not so sure....what do you all think??



Monday, February 13, 2006

A Whole Week

Yet another long update, we don't take as many photos nowadays and pretty much do the same things week in week out, so I feel like I'm repeating myself and boring you all! This photo is way back to last weekend when we were sitting in waiting for the plumber to come and fix our disaster! So we didn't do much all day that day or on the Sunday for that matter, I think I went food shopping while James and Kory sorted the house out.

Last Monday Kory and I had an electrician in the morning and went to our usual group in the afternoon, on Tuesday we had nothing on so went for a walk and ended up meeting one of the girls from baby group. We walked about for a bit then came home like drowned rats as it started pouring! On Wednesday, we had to stay in to wait for the double glazing men to come...exciting stuff!

This was taken on Thursday morning, I somehow managed to "lose" Kory and couldn't work out where he'd gone. He was totally silent. Eventually I spotted the curtain moving, so grabbed the camera and waitied till he popped out the other side of it! He looked so proud that he had found a way of not swinging from the curtain to get past it!

In the afternoon, we had our baby group, some are walking and are wee toddlers now! One of the little boys managed to jam his fingers in a cupboard door while exploring so that caused a bit of a scene, poor wee thing was screaming the place down.

On Friday Kory went to a Valentines Disco at art group. All the kids had to wear either pink or red, so Kory had on his red hoody with his dungarees. He spent the whole time trundling about with the walker and staring at the disco lights!!

Here is Murray (a neighbour) and Kory filling their faces with banana and marshmallows, what a mess they were in! There was loads of other junk food there for the older kids, but little Kory's didn't get much, a few crisps!!

This is Kory and Murray again at the disco, not sure what they were actually doing, but it looks interesting!

On Saturday I went into town shopping with Laura and left the boys to amuse themselves!! Neil came through from Inverness and him and James went out at night. Neil stayed over and even gave Kory his breakfast in the morning.

Here is Kory being a cheeky monkey, he has this face when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't, but tries to push me anyway!

James took Kory out for a walk and again I went out by myself! Nowhere exciting, just to Boots and Asda for some bits and bobs. Here's the wee guy appearing from between James' legs, he thought it was funny to come off the walker behind him and pop through!

Today the carpet people came round to measure up for our new carpets and kitchen flooring, he took samples of the existing ones and set fire to one bit apparently to see what quality it was, weirdo! So now we have to go in and choose some carpets. I have builders coming on Wednesday to do much the same but with the ceiling. I can see the next few weeks just being me and Kory sitting in here waiting for fixer men to come round, fun fun fun!



Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Letter F....

....is for "Oh flippin' heck" or in the case of our last weekend "FLOOD".

What started off as a simple job of sorting out a squeeky board upstairs has ended in a completely wrecked kitchen and nothing but a lot of hassle from the insurance company and tradesmen! :(

On Thursday night Julie noticed a small damp patch appearing on the kitchen ceiling. On closer examination we also found a small lake of dark water appearing in the lighting. Not good!!

After a quick phone to the "emergency" home insurance number we had a plumber booked for Friday afternoon. Easy peasy we thought until he didn't turn up. In fact after a phone call at 16:30 we found out he'd not be here till after 18:00. The leaking had stopped at that time so we changed it to Saturday lunchtime.

Saturday morning and we walked into the kitchen to find this lot. NIGHTMARE scenerio and a very hacked off James. The plumber had a lot of explaining to do.

In fact by this time it was so bad that Kory decided to get out the way ASAP and found somewhere high to hide. Smart kid! :)

The plumber finally turned up at 15:30 and got started on fixing the leak which had by this time spread across the ceiling, down the insides of the walls and across the living room carpet. It took 4 hours to fix the leak which had, shock-horror, been caused by me hitting a nail through a pipe.

So it took two days to get the plumbing fixed, another two to get the eletricity back on and just today we had someone round to inspect it all. In the process he's rip all our flooring up and taken it away :(.

So the bad news is I'm writing this while sitting on our wrecked living room carpet listening to the constant humming of a noisy dehumidifier. The good news is we're getting a new ceiling, lighting, kitchen and living room floor in a few weeks time.

Thank god for home insurance but it's a pain in the neck that their "emergency" service takes three days to actually get someone out to sort these things out.

Bye for now


Friday, February 03, 2006

The Letter G.....

....is for Glasgow, Gran, Grandpa and Great Grandparents! This is what I've been up to this week, visiting loads of people!!

Last weekend Mummy went out with Auntie Laura to somewhere called a pub and she didn't come back until me and Daddy went to collect her the next day! We had fun without her though, playing loads of games and eating lots. On Saturday, we went out for lunch with Auntie Laura and I got some Tacos, some Fajitas and some yummy refried beans. On Sunday none of us were feeling very well so we didn't go out of the house.

On Monday the adventures began. We packed up the car, said bye bye to Daddy and drove off towards Glasgow. I had a big huge sleep, and when I woke up we sang some songs until we arrived in Glasgow. We got out there at a park and it was so so cold, my nose was frozen.

We met my virtual girlfriend Natasha and her Mummy Bryony. Here is us having lunch. We were sharing my food, and I was teaching Natasha how to eat loads of food!

This is us choosing from the menu too, like grown ups! In the end we settled for choosing for our mummies, they had a roast and some butternut squash and even shared their yorkshire puddings with us!

After lunch we went for a nice long walk to have a wee sleep. It was very foggy and minus four degrees by then!! We said bye to Natasha and then we were meant to be going to see Grandpa, but he had to go out so we just went to Grans house instead.

I had my dinner and then Gran came in to play!

On Tuesday I got up late and went to meet all my Gran's friends at her work. They all liked me and said I was very handsome!! We went out for lunch after that, in a place that was very cold but had nice cakes!

On Wednesday, Mummy took me to see one of her friends from school, Nicola, and her baby Cameron. He was good fun, we played with his toys and waved at his doggy out of the window. Then Mummy took me for a drive to see her old houses and school. One of her old houses was in Corrie Place.....that's my name!!! Isn't that clever?

That night Mummy had a shot of Grans fancy bath. Once you get in you push a button and it makes millions of bubbles...like this photo! Mummy tried to put it on when I was in the bath, but it was noisy and I was very scared of the bubbles!

On Thursday morning we had to get up early to get ready to drive back to my house. While Mummy was packing all of our things up and geting ready, I played with Tom for ages. He plays good games with me, building me towers to knock over and letting me pull his moustache!!

On the way we went to visit my Great Gran and Grandpa, who have not seen me since I was only 4 weeks old. I was a bit tired so not in the best mood. I didn't want my lunch, but I did get a little bit of millionaire shortbread, Mummy was too slow and I sneaked to it!

My Grandpa had also come over to see us, it was nice to see him for a while too. We then headed off back to Aberdeen. I had a sleep until we got to a place called Dundee, and then me and Mummy sang nursery rhymes along with the CD. It was fun.

It was really nice to see my Daddy again when we got home...speaking of Daddy, he just told me that he will take over from Thursday night and tell you what happened next!

Love Kory.xx

Some extra photos....

I loved sitting bashing Grans bin with a wooden spoon!

This is my "just got out of bed" look!!