Monday, February 13, 2006

A Whole Week

Yet another long update, we don't take as many photos nowadays and pretty much do the same things week in week out, so I feel like I'm repeating myself and boring you all! This photo is way back to last weekend when we were sitting in waiting for the plumber to come and fix our disaster! So we didn't do much all day that day or on the Sunday for that matter, I think I went food shopping while James and Kory sorted the house out.

Last Monday Kory and I had an electrician in the morning and went to our usual group in the afternoon, on Tuesday we had nothing on so went for a walk and ended up meeting one of the girls from baby group. We walked about for a bit then came home like drowned rats as it started pouring! On Wednesday, we had to stay in to wait for the double glazing men to come...exciting stuff!

This was taken on Thursday morning, I somehow managed to "lose" Kory and couldn't work out where he'd gone. He was totally silent. Eventually I spotted the curtain moving, so grabbed the camera and waitied till he popped out the other side of it! He looked so proud that he had found a way of not swinging from the curtain to get past it!

In the afternoon, we had our baby group, some are walking and are wee toddlers now! One of the little boys managed to jam his fingers in a cupboard door while exploring so that caused a bit of a scene, poor wee thing was screaming the place down.

On Friday Kory went to a Valentines Disco at art group. All the kids had to wear either pink or red, so Kory had on his red hoody with his dungarees. He spent the whole time trundling about with the walker and staring at the disco lights!!

Here is Murray (a neighbour) and Kory filling their faces with banana and marshmallows, what a mess they were in! There was loads of other junk food there for the older kids, but little Kory's didn't get much, a few crisps!!

This is Kory and Murray again at the disco, not sure what they were actually doing, but it looks interesting!

On Saturday I went into town shopping with Laura and left the boys to amuse themselves!! Neil came through from Inverness and him and James went out at night. Neil stayed over and even gave Kory his breakfast in the morning.

Here is Kory being a cheeky monkey, he has this face when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't, but tries to push me anyway!

James took Kory out for a walk and again I went out by myself! Nowhere exciting, just to Boots and Asda for some bits and bobs. Here's the wee guy appearing from between James' legs, he thought it was funny to come off the walker behind him and pop through!

Today the carpet people came round to measure up for our new carpets and kitchen flooring, he took samples of the existing ones and set fire to one bit apparently to see what quality it was, weirdo! So now we have to go in and choose some carpets. I have builders coming on Wednesday to do much the same but with the ceiling. I can see the next few weeks just being me and Kory sitting in here waiting for fixer men to come round, fun fun fun!



Anonymous said...

Hi Julie, James and Kory,

Thanks Julie for another lovely Blog and NO - IT IS NOT BORING!! The picture of Kory peeping-behind-the-curtain alone is gold dust. Doesn't Neil look so domesticated?!?! Isn't it about time he............... All our love from London.

Anonymous said...

It was nice to see you guys,Kory had grown up so much since I last saw him!
Nice to know I look domesticated! Had real fun though with him. See you soon. Neil