Snow Baby on Pancake Day!
Today we've had the worst snow we've had in a while, but I decided after another 2 days stuck in the house, we'd venture out into the garden. I got Kory into his snowsuit and out we went. He was a bit unsure about it and in his snowsuit he couldn't move much so just sat there!We, well I, built a wee dinky snowman for Kory and gave him a daffodil for a pipe (what on earth are daffodils doing out at this time of year anyway??) He's only so small because Kory got bored waiting for me, and because the snow is so soft and fluffy that it wouldn't stick together!!
The snow has not stopped all day, I took this photo at about 9pm tonight, the snow is almost covering the fence we have in front of the house!
In the garden, he did manage to pull himself up on the fence, but then didn't like the fact his feet were sinking into the snow once he was there, and stood crying, silly wee man!
What a wee poser!!
As today was pancake day, I did the appropriate mummy and wifey thing and made some pancakes! Kory was impressed, James less so. Here is Kory enjoying a nice fresh one after his lunch. That's all for now.
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