Busy Weekend Crawling
Finally....Kory can crawl! Better late than never, but I honestly didn't think he was going to crawl at all! James will put a video of it on soon.
Last week we just did our usual stuff, until Friday when I took Kory swimming for the first time in ages. Before we went, I had got out Kory's ring, left it in the living room and came back to find it on his head, silly boy!
There were 5 of us went swimming with the wee folk and they loved being back, Kory was wild splashing and jumping about. Here is Kory with Erin, Aaron and Matthew in the cage after it!
In the afternoon we went to visit Hannah and Holly for a while. Holly had chocolate buttons, and Kory was like a vilture over to Hannah begging like a puppy for some!
I like this photo I got of Holly, so thought I'd add it too.
On Friday night, Coral arrived for the weekend. We have no photos though, partly through forgetting the camera, and partly because she didn't want her photo taken as she had cold sores!! On Saturday morning Kory just crawled, no hesitation, just moved, which was strange! Now there is no stopping him, although he'd still rather be on his feet cruising round the furniture. This photo was of him wearing his new rucksack, which we got him to take his own nappies and snacks instead of the big changing bag, and now I have a handbag!!
We just did mundane things that needed done for the rest of Saturday, went to get our new carpets ordered, chose new light for the kitchen and got some bits and bobs from Asda. This is Kory looking totally unimpressed with having his hat on to go out...doesn't help that James did it and it's not on right!
Then at night, I went out!! It was Kory's art group "mummy's night out" so not exactly the party of the decade, but we went to a Valentines disco at the local social club where drinks were dirt cheap and it was actually a really good night out. Needless to say I was pretty drunk.
On Sunday (no hangover) we went into town in the morning round the shops and went out for a yummy spanish lunch. We then went to view some posh showhomes that James had done some media work for. I now have a new ambition in life.....to have a house with a double staircase! Coral got a flight home at the crack of dawn on Monday morning and since then we've had some sort of workmen here, ripping down our ceiling and putting a new one up. Tomorrow the plasterer is coming, and the painter on Friday, which only leaves the carpets after that, and we can have some sort of normality - whatever that is!
I feel like a prisoner, have had to cancel all plans all week...ARGH!!!
Julie, The picture of Kory in his hat and brown coat is an absolute classic! That look says more than any words could: it's so funny! Well - I think so anyway. lol All the best with the building works and thanks for looking after Coral over the weekend.
Well done for crawling!! Woo hoo.
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