Pretty In Pink!!
I'm sure James would disagree, but I think Kory looks fab in his pink top! I don't have a lot to report on last week, I was in almost all week - but on the plus side, the kitchen ceiling was down, then up, then plastered, then painted and now the lighting is back in place. So we're just waiting on the flooring and it's sorted! It was horrible being stuck in and it was so hard getting Kory to sleep when crashing and banging was going on.We did manage to get out a walk one day, although James had the proper buggy in the car, so we dragged out the emergency buggy and went out for an hour or so. This is Kory's new snowsuit, I hunted everywhere to get one in his size, for some reason, they seem to think bigger babies don't need warm legs and only make jackets in that size.
On Thursday, we had no people here so made it to baby group. Kory could even join in as he was on the move. Although he was happy to just sit between Kirsty and Morven (identical twins) - looks like he's a ladies man already! It was actually their birthday, so we all had cake, yummy!
After that, Laura came over to play with Kory and stay overnight to let me get out in the morning! Thanks Laura! Here she is giving Kory his dinner. Kory absolutely loves Laura, she can make him giggle more than anyone else and his face just lights up!!
On Friday morning, I got up and took James to work, while Laura gave Kory breakfast. I got home and went to art group with him. Laura stayed at the house to chat to the painter! When I got home, my kitchen was alomst done! I took Laura home once the painter finished and then went to Dawn's new house for a "coffee"
This is Kory Erin and Aaron - trying to get all 3 to look at the camera and/or smile was not possible, this was the result!! The little ones all had fun playing, they've not all been together for a while - which meant us mummies had fun chatting too!
On Saturday, I had a long lie (had a rough night!) and then by the time we got ready to go out, it was about 3pm, so we went to get Laura then all went out for something to eat. Kory had a field day being nosey in the restaurant and eating peas and chips and anything else we gave him! What a pig!
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